About the Book

Books about Chemistry describe the study of atoms and molecules, which are combined through chemical reactions into new compounds. Titles include: A history of chemistry, A manual of forensic chemistry: dealing especially with chemical evidence, its preparation and adduction, Experimental and Theoretical Applications of Thermodynamics to Chemistry, The Chemistry of the Radio-Elements, Rays of positive electricity, and their application to chemical analyses, and The Mechanical and Other Properties of Iron and Steel in Connection with Their Chemical Composition.

Also in this Book

Books about Biochemistry consider the biochemical processes that apply in living organisms. Titles include: Chemical reagents, their purity and tests, Text-Book of Organic Chemistry for Medical Students, and The Droitwich salt springs: their medicinal action and curative properties.

And in this Book

Books on Experiments and Projects in Science describe the scientific method of hypothesis construction, testing and validation / refutation that is the backbone of progress in scientific research. Titles include: Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences, How to Use the Microscope, Materialisations-Experimente mit M. Franek-Kluski, Pioneers of progress. Men of science. Joseph Priestley, Signalling Across Space Without Wires. Being a Description of the Work of Hertz & His Successors, The advance of science, and perfectibility of its professors, The Teaching of Science, and Polyphase Electric Currents and Alternate-Current Motors.

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