About the Book

Books about Legal History analyze how the law has evolved over time, and the legal concepts, societal shifts, and circumstances that underpinned the changes that have occurred. Titles include: Outlines of legal history, A Sketch of English Legal History, Les Corporations D'Avocats Sous L'Empire Romain, Festgabe der Leipziger Juristenfakultät für Dr. Karl Binding zum 7. August 1913, Problems of the Roman criminal law, Vol. I, The Beecher Trial: A Review of the Evidence, and The growth of the English constitution from the earliest times.

Also in this Book

Books about Administrative Law consider government administrative agencies, which may include regulators, tribunals, and commissions covering a wide range of administrative functions. Titles include: State Regulation of Railroads in the South, The Police of France: An Account of the Laws and Regulations Established in that Kingdom for the Prefervation of Peace, and the Preventing of Robberies, Business Competition and the Law; Everyday Trade Conditions Affected by the Anti-Trust Laws, and Admiralty Court Cases on the Rule of the Road.

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International law refers to the set of rules that govern relations between states, and as a result serves as the framework for stable and organized international relations. International law is distinguished by the fact that it is primarily applicable to countries rather than to private citizens. In some cases national law can become international law when treaties delegate national jurisdiction to supranational tribunals. This occurs with the European Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal Court. Treaties such as the Geneva Conventions may require national law to conform to its statutes.

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