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Economic History titles examine corporations, business ventures or economies that populated the past, and can shed light on broader economic processes. Analytical methods in this area are mostly narrative, but include statistical analysis and apply principles drawn from economic theory to explain and understand historical phenomena. Specific topics include: United States Steel Corporation, Bank of Nova Scotia, political economy in England, Studebaker Corporation, Railway Companies of Scotland, Money in America, London money market, and the Union Pacific railroad.

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Books about Science discusses the knowledge building activities that examine natural / empirical phenomena including in such fields as biology, chemistry, zoology, astronomy, and mathematics. Titles include: Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture, Rock-Forming Minerals, The direction of human evolution, The Essence of Astronomy: Things Every One Should Know about the Sun, Moon and Stars, The Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects, The Gospel According to Darwin, A Manual of Blowpipe-Analysis, and Determinative Mineralogy, and The Stars and the Earth: Or, Thoughts Upon Space, Time, and Eternity.

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Books on the History of the United States often begin with the discoveries of Christopher Columbus in 1492, which led to the establishment of a number of colonies on current US territory by the UK, Holland, Spain and France. These were consolidated under British rule, but the colonies broke free in the American War of Independence, 1775–1783. Other outstanding periods of US history include the American Civil War, conquest of the West and industrial growth, World War 1, the Great Depression, World War 2, and the Cold War. Titles include: Novelties of the New World; Or, The Adventures and Discoveries of the First Explorers of North America, A Guide to the Study of the History and the Constitution of the United States, A History of the United States, New Viewpoints in American History, The beginner's American history, Women of Colonial and Revolutionary Times; Catherine Schuyler, The Power of Ideals in American History, Early pioneer days in Texas, Catechism of the history of the United States, Broad stripes and bright stars; and Stories of American history.

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