In January of 1961, Canon introduced the Canonet, a consumer-friendly 35mm film rangefinder camera aimed at the average person. Over fifty years and fourteen variations later, film photographers still look back on the Canonet as an excellent choice for beginning and experienced photographers alike. Let’s travel back in time to see how it all began and why the Canonet remains popular even today.

By the 1960s, Canon had introduced a number of film cameras that were well-suited for professional photographers, but the company wanted to branch out from their primary lineup of advanced cameras with an easy-to-use device. The idea of a camera for the masses birthed the original Canonet.

The first Canonet from 1961 incorporated the company’s ‘Electronic Eye’ metering system, which involved wrapping the exposure meter around the lens itself. Canon claimed the meter would perceive light in the same way the lens saw it, thus creating a more precise automatic exposure.

“Actually it’s a lot easier to put the electronic eye in a rectangle somewhere on the camera. (Most equipment makers do.)” Canon said in one of their 1961 advertisements. “It’s also less expensive – but it’s not good enough for us. Or you.”

Canon showcased the camera’s ability to quickly take photographs without the need to twiddle with dials and settings. Just frame your shot and click the shutter to capture memories. Or, set the camera to shutter-speed priority and use the built-in light meter to adjust the image.

“If that isn’t enough: when the Canonet is on automatic, it won’t shoot if the setting isn’t right for the light available.” Canon advertised. “That could save you a lot of film, and eliminate those depressing moments some people have when the film comes back.”

The original 1961 Canonet took the market by storm. Manufacturers were shocked by the integrated technology and fast 45mm f/1.9 lens offered at such a low price. According to Canon, when the unit went on sale in Tokyo, the company’s week’s supply of camera stock was sold out in less than two hours.

A more compact and fully automatic variation of the Canonet, the Canonet Junior, was released two years later and only featured the single ‘program’ mode without the ability to adjust the shutter speed manually. An SLR Canonet, the Canonex, was also released to compete with the rise of SLR style cameras, but it was not as well received as the rangefinder.

Canon’s Quick Loading system soon became one of the series’ leading features. Users simply needed to place their roll of film into the back of the camera, pull the film strip across to the right side, and then close the unit. The camera system would then automatically spool the film and advance it to the first frame.