Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 90% First Aid Antiseptic 500ml, Isopropanol Pure IPA

Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 90%

Prevents infections  •  Soothes insect bites •  Treats Poison Ivy  • Cleans cuts & abrasions

Double and triple check that your first aid kit is fully equipped to solve every situation, ISOTOPIC provides you with the #1 protector of infections, cuts, and bites! Isopropyl alcohol, commonly referred to as IPA or rubbing alcohol, is a flammable, clear liquid with a slight alcoholic odour. It possesses physical, chemical and solvency properties similar to those of ethyl alcohol, making it completely miscible with water and soluble in most organic solvents.

ISOTOPIC Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol is a first aid antiseptic and a must have in every home and business. Here are a few ideas of what you can do with rubbing alcohol and just how much money you can save with just one little bottle.

 PREVENTS INFECTIONS – The 90% rubbing alcohol makes sure that cuts won’t get any worse! The alcohol cleans the area from any germs that might cause infections. 
• SOOTHES INFECTED AREAS – ISOTOPIC 90% Rubbing Alcohol soothes insect bites, treats poison ivy, heals cuts and abrasions.
• MUST HAVE IN EVERY FIRST AID KIT – First aid antiseptic suitable for a multitude of essential health and safety issues.
• GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY – 500ml that will last for long. Only use a drop and rub to heal every cut!

• COOLING RUBBING LOTION – Can be used to cool bruised areas and even heal feverish conditions.

Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol is used by nurses to clean the skin prior to giving an injection; it is sprayed on surfaces to kill infectious organisms and it can also be used at home to clean counter tops and non-porous surfaces instead of other antibacterial agents.

Medical uses:

Heals and soothes any cut or infection
Treats poison Ivy
Cleans the area to prevent infections
Soothes insect bites
Antiseptic - used to swab the skin before injections to kill surface bacteria

This product is flammable
Keep away from open flames
This product can be harmful or fatal if swallowed
Keep out of reach of children
External use only