


Code :  8741 1258SPORT

Shock absorber model :  Sport

Mounting Side : Front left

Type :  Gas

External adjustment : Si

The Koni Sport shock absorber is the ideal solution for those seeking maximum performance. The yellow Koni Sport are adjustable, many codes also externally thanks to a special knob (in this case, it is not necessary to disassemble the shock absorber to adjust it).

The main advantages of this line are:

- Maximum road holding

-Control and reduction of car roll and pitch

-Increased grip on the road, improving the performance of the braking system and steering precision.

- Longer duration of the suspension than the original

-Can be combined with both original springs and trim springs.

Being adjustable, the Koni Sport are supplied at the minimum calibration, a value in itself higher than that of the original shock absorber. (SPORT MIN in the graph). Through the adjustment, it is possible to push the calibration up to the SPORT MAX value.

The graph compares the damping of the shock absorber in relation to the operating speed, both in extension (upper part of the graph) and in compression (lower part of the graph). When a car accelerates, brakes or lies down sideways, the operating speed of the shock absorber (Piston Velocity) is on the left side, closer to 0; the more uneven and uneven the terrain, the further you are from 0 (right side of the graph).

The Koni Sport are calibrated in such a way as to obtain ideal damping according to the position in the graph, always obtaining maximum road holding compatibly with the comfort of the car. By adjusting the KONI shock absorber, a uniform increase in damping is achieved at all speeds. It is advisable to proceed with the adjustment in small steps (half turns) and in the same way both on the right and on the left.


Produttore Compatibile - FOR VOLKSWAGEN

Prezzo web:€ 274.39

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