This beautiful basket is made segments of  carved bamboo in 3 different shades, held together with fine strips of bamboo or another natural material. Little cross stitches are on each side of the strips, and fine strips run along the the top and bottom of the side designs. Some of the strips on the edges of the lid are missing or broken, and the 2 holes that they went through are bare. There are 2 empty holes on the top of one side and on the top rim that must also have held the strips. There's also one hole in the middle of a diamond shaped design on one side that I can't find a reason for. Several of the little cross stitches are broken, and one  the rim around the top is slightly warped on one side. The box measures 6 inches square and 4 inches high. It has a lovely patina and obviously has some age. It came from an estate, and penciled on the bottom is the name of the family and a date in 1997 and 35 - presumably the price and date that they acquired it. It's likely Asian, but there's no indication of its origin.