About the Book

Books about Naval History consider battles that are fought at sea using ocean-going military vessels. Major sea battles include Salamis (480BC), Lepanto (1571), Trafalgar (1805), Tsushima (1905), Jutland (1916), and Midway (1942). Titles include: The Evolution of Sea-Power, The Past and Future of the British Navy, Pepys' Memoires of the Royal Navy, 1679-1688, Naval intelligence, Four American Naval Heroes: Paul Jones, Oliver H. Perry, Admiral Farragut, Admiral Dewey, and A True Account of the Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916.

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Books on the Study and Teaching of History analyze the profession that discovers, researches and compiles documentary and other evidence relating to past events in order to understand historical processes. Teachers of history use a range of techniques to impart the knowledge of historical research to students of the subject.

And in this Book

Books about the United States Military History generally begin with the American War of Independence, 1775–1783, against the United Kingdom, however the American Civil War (1861–1865) was responsible for more casualties than all its other wars combined. The US had a role World War 1 (1917-18), and was a decisive factor in World War II (1941–1945). Other wars have included the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan. Examples of titles included in the category are: History of the Battle of Lake Erie, Battles in Culpeper County, Virginia, 1861-1865, Army life in Virginia, Gettysburg; stories of the red harvest and the aftermath, The Boy General: Story of the Life of Major-General George A. Custer, "Boots and Saddles": Or, Life in Dakota with General Custer, A Complete History of the Spanish-American War of 1898, General Pershing's Official Story of the American Expeditionary Forces in France, Letters of an American Airman: Being the War Record of Capt. Hamilton Coolidge, U.S.A., 1917-1918, and The Eclipse of American Sea Power.

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