About the Book

Books about the History of Christianity discuss the origins and development of the Christian religion over the past two millennia, during which time Christianity spread throughout Europe, went through a Protestant Reformation in the 16th and 16th centuries, and developed several branches, including Orthodoxy, and from the Roman Catholic tradition emerged the Lutheran, Calvinist, Presbyterian and Anglican / Episcopalian traditions. Titles in this vast category include: A translation of the Latin writings of St. Patrick, Christianity and the Roman government, Church life and thought in North Africa A.D. 200, Die Mariologie Des Hl. Augustinus, Early Church Classics. The Epistle to Diognetus, History of the Christian Church from the Ascension of Jesus Christ to the Conversion of Constantine.The Ninth Edition, History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the Sixteenth Century, and How St. Andrew came to Scotland.

Also in this Book

Books about the History of Christianity discuss the fundamental Christian religion that is the largest in the world, and has fragmented into a large number of denominations. Beginning with the birth of Jesus Christ in Palestine during the Roman occupation, Christianity has survived Roman persecution, schism and invasion, while carrying its message to the world. Titles include: A History of the Origin of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Christian Church, Canons of the Primitive Church: Together with the Creeds of Nicaea and Constantinople, and the Definition of the Faith Set Forth at Chalcedon, Christianity and the Roman government, Clement of Alexandria, Deism Or Christianity? Four Discourses, Die Mariologie Des Hl. Augustinus, Die Origenistischen Streitigkeiten im Sechsten Jahrhundert und das Fünfte Allgemeine Concil, Egyptian mythology and Egyptian Christianity, Europe and the faith, Gleanings from British and Irish Ecclesiastical History: From the Introduction of Christianity to the Period of the Reformation, and Lives of the Twelve Apostles: With Explanatory Notes.

And in this Book

Books of Prayer describe the direct communication of believers with God, the saints, or some other Holy personage that may be rendered formally or informally. Titles include: A Practical Exposition on the Lord's Prayer, A Key to the Knowledge and Use of the Book of Common Prayer, Christian prayers and holy meditations, as well for private as public exercise, Daily communion with God: on the plan recommended by Rev. Matthew Henry, V.D.M. for beginning, spending, concluding each day with God, Evening Rest; Or, Closing Thoughts for Every Day in the Christian Year, How to Pray, Prayers and Meditations, Quiet talks on prayer, The prayer that teaches to pray, The Star of Childhood, a First Book of Prayers and Instruction for Children, Compiled by a Priest, and Thoughts on Public Prayer.

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