Craft Book: Embroidery For Today's Fashions
By Dorothy Bock
1976 Hazel Pearson Handicrafts
16 Pages

Groovy 70's Fashion Embroidery!

Since it's origin, 5,000 years B.C., embroidery has given mankind a medium for the expression of his cultural heritage, economic struggles and triumphs and personal and collective joys, frustrations, devotions, hopes and dreams. It is an artform which has come a long way from its early disciplined patterns. Today, as in the past, embroidery is reflecting our reverence for cultural pasts and new inspirations in the expressions of the free form and abstract works. In this book, we present to you a wide variety of complete patterns which reflect many moods and heritages. You will find that all the projects are quick to do and most require only the simplest of stitches. Any of the designs may be used individually or on different types of clothing than these pictured here.

General Supplies Needed:
  • Thread: Six strand cotton floss, Rayon or Nylon embroidery thread
  • Embroidery needles: No. 6 or No. 7
  • Pin cushion
  • Scissors
  • Thimble
  • Embroidery Hoop
  • Carbon Paper
  • Chalk marking pencils
  • Mirrors (for specific projects)
  • Materials and General Instructions
  • Fiesta Blouse and Sunshine Skirt
  • Rainbow River Shirt
  • Basic Stitches
  • County Fair Dress & Grassroots Shirt
  • Festival Fantasy
  • Mirror Directions
  • Mardi Gras, Calypso, & Confetti
  • Versatile Variations
  • Patterns - Apache Raider & Thunderbird
  • Patterns - Hi-Pockets, & Sun (Sunshine Shirt)
Since it's origin, 5,000 years B.C., embroidery has given mankind a medium for the expression of his cultural heritage, economic struggles and triumphs and personal and collective joys, frustrations, devotions, hopes and dreams. It is an artform which has come a long way from its early disciplined patterns. Today, as in the past, embroidery is reflecting our reverence for cultural pasts and new inspirations in the expressions of the free form and abstract works. In this book, we present to you a wide variety of complete patterns which reflect many moods and heritages. You will find that all the projects are quick to do and most require only the simplest of stitches. Any of the designs may be used individually or on different types of clothing than these pictured here. Thread: Six strand co