Dispersion. A Study of Global Mobility and the Dynamics of a Fictional Urbanism.

von Barajas, Diego:

Barajas, Diego:
Verlag / Jahr
episode publishers; Rotterdam, 2003.
Format / Einband
139 S.; zahlr. Illustr.; 22 cm; fadengeh., illustr. Orig.-Pappband.
ca. 650 g
Gutes Ex.; Einband stw. gering berieben. - Englisch. - ... By focusing on a precise description of the multifunctional spaces of the belhuis (telephone houses), which proliferate in Rotterdam and elsewhere, in the neighborhoods where migrants concentrate, Diego Barajas offers an original, transdisciplinary reading of a human, economic and cultural phenomenon that partakes of the everyday invention and transformation of our cities. His precise analysis of the functional, cultural and economic relation of the belhuis and the Cape Verdean community of Rotterdam pulls the plug on the old sob song about the 'problems' of emigration. In a non-dramatized and even playful way, it invites us to share the advantages and surprises of a Nearby-World that henceforth waits on the street corner or even at our doorstep. By laying the emphasis on these plural spaces which are invented and experienced in everyday life, which shift, transform or disappear according to needs and uses. Barajas also underscores the multiplicity of performances, the many contributions of the migrants and of diasporic nations to the creation of 'super-advanced urban models, in times of further mobility and globalization.' This serious study, at the crossroads of anthropology and city planning, of near and far away, is also an invitation, if not to 'strolling' in the footsteps of Walter Benjamin, then rather to a more curious contemporary practice of the city, which - depending on the desires and talents of each one - may well be warmer, more playful or even more subversive. Catherine David. … (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Foreword ---- Fictional Urbanism ---- Hilberseimer: Dispersion from the 1920s to the 1940s ---- Dispersion in an Age of Advanced Individualization ---- Archipelagos of Cape Verde in Rotterdam: Dispersed Nation ---- The Belhuis in Rotterdam: Infrastructures of Re-territorialization ---- Belhuis vs. Cellular Phone ---- Further Transformations of the Belhuis. ISBN 905973002X
Urbanismus; Stadtentwicklung; Photographie; Stadtplanung; Telefonhäuschen
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Dispersion. A Study of Global Mobility and the Dynamics of a Fictional Urbanism.

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