Reviewing the forties. Introduction by Paul Fussell.

von Trilling, Diana:

Trilling, Diana:
Verlag / Jahr
New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978.
Format / Einband
Originalhalbleinen mit Schutzumschlag. 272 S.
ca. 550 g
Wenige Farbstiftanstreichungen oder -anmerkungen. - The home-front American culture of the forties would embrace the Chief and the Super Chief (which for all their class seemed to smell just perceptibly of urine) plying between Chicago and Los Angeles in less than three days; and it would embrace the snood and "The Hut Sut Song." It would include The Road to Morocco and service flags with blue or gold stars hung in windows and the Andrews Sisters and military supply shops in deplorable towns near camps and bases. Add to these the signs WHITE and COLORED-BLACK would have been an insult-over the public toilets in the South and well-shined reddish-brown loafers with a penny in the instep. Throw in "Elmer's Tune" and "I Left My Heart at the Stage Door Canteen" and Oklahoma and the black-and-white A-stickers on auto windshields. TWA stood not for Trans World Airlines but for Transcontinental and Western Air. You had to turn in an old toothpaste tube to buy a new one. Trains-there were more of them than planes-had upper and lower berths screened at night by heavy green curtains ("Silence is Requested for the Benefit of Those Who Have Retired"), and the adman told us that "The Kid in Upper 4" on his way to training camp needed the berth more than we did: "Wide awake . .. listening staring into blackness . . thinking of. . .the taste of hamburgers and pop the feel of driving a roadster over a six-lane highway . a dog named Shucks or Spot, or Barnacle Bill.. There's a lump in his throat and maybe a tear fills his eye. It doesn't matter, Kid. No- body will see. . .it's too dark." In those days there was virtually no suggestion that cigarettes and sweets were not actively good for you, and all classes were supposed to assemble at the soda fountain and manipulate the pinball machine while remembering Pearl Har- bor, listening to Glenn Miller's "American Patrol" on the jukebox, and resolving to buy more war bonds and stamps. ISBN 0151770840
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Reviewing the forties.

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