Please choose the blaster / stick / hat that you require to complete your blasterless / stickless / hatless Star Wars action-figure... see below for brief descriptions of some of the available weapons, accessories or spare parts


☆ Cad Bane's Wide-Brimmed Hat
The distinctive headgear of notorious Bounty Hunter Cad Bane.  This is the larger hat, worn by biker-Bane.  It keeps his head warm since he lacks hair (these thin & greasy locks were stolen by Evil Porgs to use as nesting material) but Clint Bane also wears it to look cool, like The Man with No Name.  Cad Eastwood appreciates a fine hat & if necessary, would kill to obtain one.  On one occasion; he DID...

☆ Embo's Pauldron / Shoulder Armour
This Health-&-Safety protective gear utilised by enigmatic Bounty Hunter Embo also protects his neck... if he has a neck...
NOTE: there is a loop missing from the bandolier, which would usually hold an additional weapon, but to redress this, the correct Vibroblade has been included for no extra credits... Go, Embo, GO!

☆ Boba Fett Jnr. Armour
This was part of nascent Bounty Hunter Baby Boba's first set of green Mando armour & thus; a Legend was Born!  There is a hole in the back where a jetpack attaches, but Boba hasn't saved-up enough Power of the Force tokens to send off for that item yet...

[NOTE: unsure if Dismembered C-3PO is actually him or some other unfortunate Protocol Droid?  It does not seem to be the correct colour... but you can always paint it gold?  Or Mr_CTs will do it for you on request?!  There is some gold paint around here... somewhere...]

• E-5 Blaster
The ubiquitous firearm of the Trade Federation's Droid Armies, reverse-engineered from the original BlasTech model & manufactured in profusion by Baktoid Armour Workshop, who also supplied hover-tanks & other heavy ordnance to the Separatist Forces.  Lightweight, powerful &... a bit inaccurate?  THAT explains a lot!

• E11 Blaster
The standard firearm issued to Imperial Stormtroopers, equipped with a 200-shot power cell & 3 settings; Kill, Stun & er... Sting?  That is what it says on Wookiepedia, anyway... but what is this last one used for?  Annoying Rebel Scum with a simulated insect attack?  A more appropriate setting for a Stormtrooper would be; Miss!

• Savage Opress's Glaive
Conjured by the Nightsisters for use as his first weapon, the deadly pole-arm of Savage Opress was capable of  slicing through all but the toughest armour (NOT Beskar!) & contained a central spear-launcher that could be fired at an enemy beyond range of melee attack.  

• Boss Nass's Staff
The symbol of office for Rugor Nass, beloved leader of the Gungans.  The lower end came to a point which could be used for fending-off predatory fish-monsters, & often was.  The top of the staff flared out into a circular, paddle-shape, which Boss Nass found useful for giving Jar Jar Binks a good spanking.  Talking of which...

• Gungan Battle-Pike
"Moy-moy I love you!  But am gonna poke you wiv meesa pointy-pike, okey-day?!  Holdy still!  Ouch-time!"  etc... 
[Gungan Pikes ×3 / includes all types: the standard pike, the shorter pike & the rusty pike that Jar Jar  forgot about & left in the water, which is why he got spanked...]

• Stormtrooper Disguise Helmet
This fits Power of the Force Luke & Han who have big heads, so will probably fit most other human-types?

• Count Dooku Force-Lightning Effect [CWC]
This manual accessory comes with the Clone Wars Collection Darth Tyrannus (sounds WAY better than 'Dooku')  This scary left hand will not fit on the wrists of any other Counts, even Dracula...

• Yoda's Gimer Sticks [CWC / PotF]
Master Yoda was presented with his valuable 'Gimer Stick' by the grateful Wookiees of Kashyyyk for his help in defending their world from a Separatist Droid Army.  This special stick can be used as a walking-aid, weapon, or a source of anaesthetic if you suck the sap out of it...

• Rancor Keeper's Goad 
More sticks-for-favours!  Apparently, Jabba the Hutt's Keeper of Rancors (Mr Malakili) was given his Gaffi Stick / Goad by some Tusken Raiders as a thank-you for ridding their favourite cave of an unusually large & ferocious Womp Rat... seriously!  After the deaths of his beloved Rancor & not-so beloved employer, Malakili hangs up his goad, retires from dangerous menagerie management & becomes a successful Restauranteur... 

• Gamorrean Guard Axe
These prized axes are hand-crafted on the Guard's swinish homeworld of Gamor; a slimy place, perpetually wreathed in clouds of foul-smelling pink mist.  The new axes are made out of broken bits of old axes, thus continuing a proud tradition of axemanship...  er... axepigship... green ham & eggs... Piiigs iiin Spaaace!!!

• Sandtrooper Backpack
There are many Sandtrooper Backpacks, each with subtle differences to the configuration of moisture-collectors, liquid storage-containers, urine reclamation filters etc... the Pack featured in this listing was included with the very first post-vintage PotF Sandtrooper, released in 1996... & the urine thing was just a non-canonical theory... it's what they did in Dune, though!

☆ May the FORCE be with You!