• Publisher Code: HL00119611
  • Title: Some Nights. 2-part
  • Subtitle: Some Nights. 2-part
  • Composer: Fun
  • Publisher: Hal Leonard
  • Instrumentation: Mixed Voices
  • Product Type: Music
  • Language: English
  • Total pages: 16
  • Publication Date: 30/11/2016
  • ISMN: 0884088910099
  • ISBN: 884088910099
  • Genre: Indie, Pop, Choral
  • Product Category: Unison, upper, equal voices
  • Product media description: Choral Music
  • Dimensions: 267X171
  • Powerful vocal harmonies and an awesome drum track will make your audience want to stand up and cheer in this tune from the indie/pop group Fun. that soared up the Hot 100, Rock and Adult charts. This will be enormously fun to sing and will electrify your audience!