Ford Motor Company Show Room [NYC] by Walter Dorwin Teague, Esquire Theater [Chicago, Il] by W. L. Pereira, and the 1939 NY World's Fair Home Building Center and Town of Tomorrow

George Nelson [Associate Editor]: THE ARCHITECTURAL FORUM. Philadelphia: Time, Inc., April 1938 [Volume 68, number 4].  Slim quarto. Wire spiral binding. Thick printed wrappers.  176 pp. Editorial content and period trade advertising. The spiral binding is in unusually good condition and does not bind any pages when opened. A nice copy thus. Interior unmarked and clean. Wrappers lightly worn, soiled and edgeworn, but a very good copy.

8.75 x 11.75 spiral-bound magazine with 175 pages of editorial content showcasing the Architectural and Industrial Design of the American Streamline Moderne Machine Age aesthetic. There are also an excellent assortment of vintage trade advertisements that espouse the depression moderne streamline aesthetic quite nicely. You have been warned.


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