The Body Politic. On the History of a Famous Simile. [from: ARCTOS, Acta Philologica Fennica, Vol. 29].

von Kajanto, Iiro:

Kajanto, Iiro:
Verlag / Jahr
Helsinki: Classical Association of Finland, 1995.
Format / Einband
Separatim Expressum. p. 49-80.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Author's name handwritten on cover, one underline on page 64, otherwise good and clean. - From the text: Antiquity has bequeathed to us at least two similes of political organization, which in some sense are still alive. One is the well-known ship of state, first found in Ps.-Theognis 667-82 and made famous by Horace's Ode 1,14 O navis referent... The simile or allegory is simple, its main point being the stress it lays upon the leading role of the helmsman, the ruler of the state. The other, the body politic, is less used today, but was equally current in antiquity. Though it, too, emphasizes the position of the head of the state, king or emperor, is also symbolized the interdependence of the different parts of the body politic for the well-being of the whole. Thus the organic conception of omónoia or concordia constituted the basic idea of the simile. - Wikipedia: Iiro Ilkka Kajanto (June 7, 1925 Rauma - December 30, 1997 Espoo) was a Finnish ancient scholar (philologist).
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The Body Politic. On the History of a Famous Simile. [from: ARCTOS, Acta Philologica Fennica, Vol. 29].

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