Sunlight at Midnight: St. Petersburg and the Rise of Modern Russia.

von Lincoln, W. Bruce:

Lincoln, W. Bruce:
Verlag / Jahr
New York: Basic Books, 2000.
Format / Einband
Hardcover with dust jacket. VIII, 419 p.
ca. 788 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Schutzumschlag weist Randläsuren auf, Vorderschnitt faserig und unregelmäßig, einige Seiten weisen Knicke auf / dust jacket has edgewear, fore-edge binding is fibrous and irregular, some pages have creases. - THE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG has encompassed all that Russians are and all that they hope to become. Home to Peter and Catherine the Great, it provided creative sustenance to Dostoevskii, Rimskii-Korsakov, Pavlova and Nizhinskii, Fabergé, Gogol, and even Joseph Brodsky. Although St. Petersburg has played a role in many histories of Russia, until now there has been no definitive history of the city and all its elements. In this stunning and lavish biography of St. Petersburg, W. Bruce Lincoln captures all of the city’s opulence and artistic brilliance, blended with images of power, suffering and monumental heroism. Climate and comfort were not what Peter the Great had in mind when he decided to build a new capital in the muddy marshes of the Neva River delta in the spring of 1703. Barely 500 miles below the Arctic Circle and easily submerged by the tides that flowed upriver from the Gulf of Finland, the region saw snow as early as September and as late as May. Its foul weather, bad water, and low-lying, sodden soil made it so unattractive that only a handful of Finnish fish- erman had ever bothered to settle there. Yet to the Tsar, the place he named Sankt Pieter Burkh had the makings of a “paradise.” And like Russia itself, Peter’s new capital became a place of startling' contrasts. Bathed in sunlight at midnight in the summer, it brooded in darkness at noon in the winter and its canals froze solid at least five months of every year. St. Petersburg was closer to London, Paris, and Vienna than to Russia’s far- off eastern lands, but it quickly became the political, cultural, and economic center of an empire that Stretched across more than a dozen time zones and over three continents. A European capital of an Asiatic nation, St. Petersburg eventually became a model of what Russia ought to become, and the Russians embraced everything it represented. Not since the Roman Empire has a city stood so completely for the realm it ruled. Lincoln’s epic history of St. Petersburg is, inevitably, also a history of modern Russia. Sunlight at Midnight is a tale of men and women struggling against the awesome forces of nature, backwardness, and repression to create the triumphs in politics, culture, and science that make up the 300-year history of St. Petersburg. Lincoln peoples his brilliant look at St. Petersburg with revolutionaries and laborers who brush shoulders with tsars, and with builders, soldiers, and statesmen who share a sense of place with poets. By depicting the entire historical experience of this magnificent and mysterious city—the power, the heroism, the fortitude— Lincoln reveals the wealth of human and natural forces that shaped its history and that of the Russia it once ruled. / Contents Acknowledgments Prologue PART ONE Window on the West (1705-1796) I The Builders 2 Lords of the Realm 3 The Shadow of the Winter Palace PART TWO Imperial Colossus (1796-1855) 4 The Hub of Empire 5 Nevskii Prospekt PART THREE Cradle of Revolution (1856-1941) 6 Modernity’s Challenge 7 The Peter and Paul Fortress 8 On the Eve 9 Comrades PART FOUR “Hero City" (1941-1991) 10 Nine Hundred Days 11 Together in Step 12 Past and Present Notes Index. ISBN 9780465083237
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Sunlight at Midnight: St. Petersburg and the Rise of Modern Russia.

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