Item Title


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product specification
Model Number: HRF -30 R-EYE
Size: W 44 x D 57 x H 190 mm
Weight: about 220 g
Power consumption: approx. 13 W
Country of Manufacture: Japan
■What is RF facial massager?
This is a very popular treatment in beauty salons and beauty clinics. It warms the skin from the back of the stratum corneum by giving very fine vibrations called high frequency waves to the skin.
It supports more efficient skin care by warming the skin.
Recommended parts: cheeks, face line, mouth, etc.

The German RF Beaute Photo Plus solves the slack of skin caused by dryness and aging, and can also improve women's skin problems such as large pores.

Mode Description

・functional RF cleansing
While warming, it absorbs dirt that cannot be removed by face washing, and makes your skin clear.

・Functional RF Moisture
While warming, it penetrates the skin's horny layer with beauty ingredients, leading to fresh and fresh skin.

・Function RF EMS UP
While warming, it stimulates muscles and makes your skin firm.
*Can also be used on the neck and shoulders.

・Function RF LED
While warming, apply light to your skin for treatment.

○COOL/Function Cool
It will make your skin firm and smooth by cooling it.