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This small BRONZE relief is signed by the prominent French-Jewish artist, Léon Levkovitch. 



Léon Levkovitch born in 1936 in Lodz, Poland he arrived in Paris in 1961 and then connects the exhibitions: Abel Rosenberg Gallery in Paris in 1969, Salon de Mai in 1978, the workshop Lambert in 1984, Salon de Mars with the gallery in 1992 Hansma , Singular the gallery in 1998. Many museums have acquired his works: museums of Haifa, Strasbourg, City of Paris, National Library, City Bank in New York.    

An "isolated" artist, Leon Levkovitch is interested in small sculptural forms and drawing. After a gap of seven years, he is once again presenting his works in his native Poland-his exhibition Miniatury (Miniatures) is on at the Pokaz Critics' Gallery in Warsaw.

Levkovitch draws inspiration from his own life experiences, mythology and the art of the ancient Assyrians, Egyptians and Etruscans. His works can be found in the collections of Musee de Haifa, Les Musees de la Ville in Strasbourg, Fond Nationale d'Art Contemporain in Paris, City Bank of New York and other institutions. 



Size   – 78 mm x 68 mm, (3” x 2⅞“)

weight – 170.50 gr, (6,01 oz)

metal – bronze, artistic parina 



    Léon Levkovitch est né en Pologne trois ans avant la guerre de 1939. Après avoir suivi les cours d’arts plastiques de I’Ecole des Arts Appliqués de Lodz, il arrive en France en 1961, où il est bien accueilli, et participe à des expositions de groupe dès 1962.

    Cependant ses véritables débuts se situent en 1969, lors de sa première exposition personnelle, E doit cette grande première à Abel Rosenberg. Cet authentique découvreur de jeunes talents, décide de montrer Léon Levkovitch, et pour ce faire, il lui ouvre toute grande sa galerie parisienne.