Renaissance Studies Volume 30 Number 3 June 2016. Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies.

von Richards, Jennifer (ed.):

Richards, Jennifer (ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Wiley-Blackwell., 2016.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. 335 - 486 Seiten / p.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - Contents -- Abstracts -- Articles -- I he act of penning in William Baldwin’s Beware the Cat -- Rachel Stenner -- Framing civil life in Elizabethan Ireland: Bryskett, Spenser and The Discourse of Civili Life Andrew Wadoski -- A love that bums: eroticism, torment and identity at the Palazzo Te -- Maria F. Maurer -- Reuse and reception in the life of a sixteenth-century chimneypiece -- Lara Eggleton -- Musical self-fashioning and the ‘theatre of death’ in late Elizabethan and Jacobean England -- Emilie K. M. Murphy -- Ehe Ruthven manusc ript of Gavin Douglas's Eneados and a new manuscript witness of Julius -- Caesar Scaliger’s Epidorpides -- Emily Wingfield -- Review' of exhibitions -- Bernardino Ialini e i suoi figli (Milan, Palazzo Reale, 10 April-13 July 2014) reviewed by Jörg Zuller -- In the Eye of the Needle: English Embroideries from the Feller Collection -- (Oxford, the Ashmolean Museum, 1 August-12 October 2014) -- reviewed by Frances Lennard -- Veronese (London, I he National Gallery, 19 March-15 June 2014) -- Paolo Veronese: L’illusione della Realtà (Verona: Palazzo della Gran Guardia, -- 5 July-5 October 2014) -- Quattro Veronese venuti da lontano: Le Allegorie ritrovate (Vicenza, Palladio Museum, -- 5 July-5 October 2014) -- reviewed by Irene Brooke -- Book review essay -- Rome, sacred city -- Piers Baker-Bates -- Book reviews -- Brian Cummings and Freya Sierhuis (eds,), Passions and Subjectivity in Early Modem Culture. (Farnham and Burlington. VI : Ashgate, 2013) reviewed by Elizabeth L. Swann -- Richard Kirwan (cd.). Scholarly Self Cushioning and Community in the Early Modern University. (Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013) reviewed by Christian Thorsten Callisen -- Ramie Targoff, Posthumous Love: Eros and the Afterlife in Renaissance England. (Chicago and -- London: University of Chicago Press, 2014) reviewed by John Burton -- Reid Barbour, Sir Thomas Browne: T Life. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) reviewed by Claii e Preston -- Ben Burton and Elizabeth Scott-Baumann (eds.). The Work of Form: Poetics & Materiality in Early -- Modern Culture. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) reviewed by Robert Stagg -- Sara F. Matthews-Grieco (ed.), Cuckoldry, Impotence and Adultery in Europe (15th-17th century). (Farnham and Burlington, \T: Ashgate, 2014) reviewed by Anne Gill.
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Renaissance Studies Volume 30 Number 3 June 2016.

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