History of Italian Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture

von Wilkins, David G. and Frederick Hartt:

Wilkins, David G. and Frederick Hartt:
Auflage: 4th Revised edition
Verlag / Jahr
Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1994.
Format / Einband
gebundene Ausgabe 696 Seiten
ca. 2840 g
Frisches und sauberes Hardcover-Exemplar mit Schutzumschlag in gutem Zustand. Contents - A portfolio of the Italian Renaissance - The Late Middle Ages - Italy and Italian Art - Duecento Art in Tuscany adn Rome - Florentine Art of the Early Trecento - Sienese Art of the Early Trecento - Later Gothic Art in Tuscany and Northern Italy - The Quattrocento - The Beginnings of Renaissance Architecture - Gothic and Renaissance in Tuscan Sculpture - Gothic and Renaissance in Florentine Painting - The Heritage of Masaccio and the Second Renaissance Style - The Second Renaissance Style in Architecture and Sculpture - Absolute and Perfect Painting - The Second Renaissance Style - Crisis and Crosscurrents - Science, Poetry, and Prose, - The Renaissance in Central Italy - Gothic and Renaissance in Venice and Norther n Italy - The Cinquecento - The High Renaisaance in Florence - The High Renaissance in Rome - High Renaissance and Mannerism - High and Late renaissance in Venice and on the mainland - Michelangelo and the Maniera ISBN 9780500236772
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EUR 43,00
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History of Italian Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture

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