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Kings; Sobieski

Poland; Rulers

Poland; History

Olszewska - Borys, Ewa 


The Royal Series of Ewa Olszewska-Borys 


Artist – Ewa Olszewska Borys (the winner of the prestigious Saltus Award), FIDEM- member since 1969, Vice-President of FIDEM (1987-2000) 


That series consists of 43 medals; I can offer the complete Royal Series.

If you are interested, please, contact me. 



The Royal Series is represented in the collection of the BRITISH MUSEUM and the VATICAN MUSEUM.


The “Royal Series” designed by Ewa Olszewska-Borys was emitted in 1985-2003 upon the initiative of the Koszalin Branch of the Polish Numismatic Society.

The series is composed of 43 medals (70 mm), struck in tombac, silver-plated and patina versions, and in finest silver. The number of some of the medals from the series exceeded 3000 copies although some have been minted in very low nomber and they are still sought by collectors.

The obverses of the medals depicting the royal portraits were based on the “Gallery of Kings and Dukes” drawn by Jan Matejko, the great Polish nineteenth-century historical painter. These portraits appear in an illusive, spatial relief, typical for the author. An equally spatial treatment, symptomatic for sculpture, was applied in the case of architecture, visible on the reverses, usually sacral and historically associated with a given ruler or originating from the time of his reign.

Ewa Olszewska-Borys spent eighteen years working on a royal portrait gallery, executing successively two or three medals annually. The series is artistically cohesive and authentic owing to the fact that was created in a natural manner, parallel to the other works of the author, and in accordance with her own sculpture vision, stemming from a perception of space, included into the arrangement of forms and endowed with a concrete, material shape. 


John III Sobieski, 1629 - 1696; Polish: Jan III Sobieski


John III Sobieski (17 August 1629 - 17 June 1696; Polish: Jan III Sobieski ) was one of the most notable monarchs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1674 until his death. Sobieski's 22-year-reign was marked by a period of the Commonwealth's stabilisation, much needed after the turmoil of the Deluge and Chmielnicki's Uprising. Popular among his subjects, he was also a brilliant military commander, most famous for his victory over the Turks in the 1683 Battle of Vienna. For his victories over the Ottoman Empire, he was dubbed by the Turks the "Lion of Lehistan." 


av. The portrait of King Jan III Sobieski 

rv. The Capuchins church in WARSZAWA 

diameter - 70 mm (2 ¾“)

weight – 174.20 gr, (6.14 oz) 

metal – bronze, silver plated




John Sobieski was born on 17 August 1629 in Olesko, a small town near Lwów in Galicia, now Ukraine, then part of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to a notable noble family de Sobieszyn Sobieski of Janina coat of arms. His father, Jakub Sobieski, was the Voivode of Ruthenia and Castellan of Kraków; his mother, Zofia Teofillia Daniłowicz was a granddaughter of Hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski. John Sobieski spent his childhood in Żółkwia. After graduating from the Nowodworski College in Kraków in 1643, young John Sobieski then graduated from the philosophical faculty of the Jagiellonian University in 1646. After finishing his studies, together with his brother Marek Sobieski, John left for western Europe, where he spent more than two years travelling. They visited Leipzig, Antwerp, Paris, London, Leiden and Hague. During that time he met influential contemporary figures such as Louis II de Bourbon, Charles II of England and William II, Prince of Orange, and learnt French, German and Italian, in addition to Latin.

Both brothers returned to the Commonwealth in 1648, upon receiving the news of the death of king Władysław IV Waza and the hostilities of the Khmelnytsky Uprising, volunteered for the army. They both fought in the siege of Zamość. They founded and commanded their own banners (chorągiew) of cavalry (one light, "cossack", and one heavy, of Polish hussars). Soon the fortunes of war separated the brothers. In 1649 Jakub fought in the Battle of Zboriv. In 1652 Marek died in Tatar captivity after his capture at the Battle of Batoh. John was promoted to the rank of pułkownik and fought with distinction in the Battle of Berestechko. A promising commander, John was sent by King John II Casimir to Istanbul in the Ottoman Empire as one of the envoys in a diplomatic mission of Mikołaj Bieganowski. There, Sobieski learnt the Tatar language and the Turkish language and studied Turkish military traditions and tactics. It is likely he participated as part of the briefly allied Polish-Tatar forces in the 1655 Battle of Okhmativ.

After the start of the Swedish invasion of Poland known as "The Deluge", John Sobieski was among the Greater Polish regiments led by Krzysztof Opaliński, Palatine of Poznań which capitulated at Ujście, and swore allegiance to King Charles X Gustav of Sweden. However, around late March 1656 he abandoned their side, returning to the side of Polish king Jan Kazimierz Waza, enlisting under the command of hetmans Stefan Czarniecki and Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski.


During the three-day long battle of Warsaw of 1656, Sobieski's command of a 2,000-man strong regiment of Tatar cavalry earnt him promotion to the title of Lord Standard-Bearer of the Crown. A strong supporter of the French faction, Sobieski remained loyal to the King during the infamous Lubomirski Rebellion, which further helped his military career. In 1665 he married Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien and was promoted to the rank of Grand Marshal of the Crown, and the following year, to the rank of Field Hetman of the Crown. In 1667 he achieved another great victory over the Cossacks and their Tatar allies in the Battle of Podhajce during the Polish–Cossack–Tatar War (1666–71). On 5 February 1668, by now a famed and esteemed commander, he achieved the rank of Grand Hetman of the Crown, the highest military rank in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, and thereby the de facto commander-in-chief of the entire Polish Army.

On 11 November 1673, during the Polish–Ottoman War (1672–76), Sobieski added yet another major victory to his list, this time defeating the Turks in the battle of Chocim and capturing the fortress located there. The news of the battle coincided with the news of the death of Michael I, King of Poland, who had died the day before the battle. This made Sobieski one of the most leading figures in the state, and on 19 May the following year, he was elected as monarch of the Commonwealth. His candidacy was almost universally supported, with only a dozen or so members of the diet opposing him. Among the most notable backers of his candidacy was his wife. Jan Sobieski was crowned Jan III 2 February 1676.


Though Poland-Lithuania was at that time the largest and one of the most populous states of Europe, Sobieski became a king of a country devastated by almost half a century of constant war. The treasury was almost empty and the court had little to offer the powerful magnates, who often allied themselves with foreign courts rather than the state. Sobieski decided to stabilise the situation by forcing the Ottomans to accept a peace treaty to end the constant wars on the southern border. In the autumn of 1674 he recommenced the war against the Turks and managed to recapture the fortresses of Kamieniec Podolski, Bar and Reszków, which re-established a strongly fortified line defending Poland's southern border in the Ukraine. Polish historian Oskar Halecki and others noted, that Sobieski also planned to conquer Prussia with Swedish troops and French support. This secret pact, later exposed, failed because the war with Turkey took too long, by which time the Great Elector had made treaties with France, the Swedes had been repelled, and by increased opposition from the Commonwealth's magnates, with many of them on the Great Elector's side. Sobieski's plan was also hurt by Michał Pac, the hetman of Lithuania and a supporter of Brandenburg, who simply defected with his army and then disbanded it.

In 1676 the Tatars began a counter-offensive and crossed the Dneper, but could not retake the strategic town of Żórawno, and the peace treaty was signed soon afterwards. Although Kamieniec Podolski remained a part of Turkey, Poland counteracted its significance with the construction of the Stronghold of the Holy Trinity and return of the town of Bila Tserkva. The signing of the treaty began a period of peace that was much needed for the repair the country and strengthening of the royal authority. Although constantly hampered by the magnates and foreign courts of Brandenburg and Austria (Austria even tried to oust Sobieski and replace him with Charles of Lorraine), Sobieski managed to completely reform the Polish army. The military was reorganised into regiments, the infantry finally dropped pikes replacing them with battle-axes, and the Polish cavalry adopted hussars and dragoons formations. Sobieski also greatly increased the number of guns and introduced new artillery tactics.

As a diplomat, Sobieski envisioned an alliance with France and the Ottomans against the Austrian empire and Brandenburg. However, his plans never eventuated and finally, in 1683, had to be completely abandoned. Conscious that Poland lacked allies and risked war against most of its neighbours (similar to the Deluge), Sobieski allied himself with Leopold I, of the Holy Roman Empire. The alliance, although aimed directly against Turks and indirectly against France, had the advantage of gaining support for the defence of Poland's southern borders.

In the spring of 1683 royal spies uncovered Turkish preparations for a military campaign, and Sobieski feared that the target might be the Polish cities of Lviv and Kraków. To counteract the threat, Sobieski began the fortification of the cities and ordered universal military conscription.

Sobieski's military skill demonstrated in war against the Ottoman Empire contributed to his prowess as King of Poland. One of his ambitions was to unify Christian Europe in a crusade to drive the Turks out of Europe. He joined the alliance of the Holy Roman Emperor and joined the Holy League initiated by Pope Innocent XI to preserve Christendom. The Alliance was unusual in that a number of Protestants, from Germany and even the son of Prince Rupert of the Stuarts fought.



Battle of Vienna

Sobieski's greatest success came on September 12, 1683 with his victory at the Battle of Vienna, in command of Polish, Austrian and German troops, against the Turks under Kara Mustafa.

After the start of the Swedish invasion of Poland known there as "The Deluge", Jan Sobieski was among the Greater Polish regiments led by voivod of Poznań Krzysztof Opaliński which capitulated at Ujście, swearing allegiance to the Swedish king Charles X Gustav. However, in less than a year he returned with his unit to the Polish side, and after April of 1656 he fought for the Polish king.

During the three-day long battle of Warsaw of that year, Sobieski brilliantly commanded a 2000 men strong regiment of Tatar cavalry, for which he was promoted to the rank of standard-bearer of the Crown. A strong supporter of the French faction, Sobieski remained loyal to the king during the infamous Lubomirski Rebellion, which also helped in his military career. In 1665 he married Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien and was promoted to the rank of Great Marshal of the Crown and the following year to the rank of Field Hetman of the Crown. In 1667 he achieved another great victory over the Kossacks and their Tatar allies in the battle of Podhajce. A famed and much esteemed commander, in 1668 he achieved the rank of Grand Hetman of the Crown, the highest military rank in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the de facto commander-in-chief of the entire Polish Army.

Upon reaching Vienna, he joined up with the Austrians and Germans. Sobieski planned to attack on the 13th of September, but he had noticed that the Turkish resistance was weak and ordered full attack on September 12. At 4:00 a.m. a united army of about 81,000 men attacked a Turkish army that numbered about 130,000. At about five o'clock in the afternoon, four husaria cavalry groups led by Sobieski charged forward, and soon after the Turkish battle line was broken as the Turks scattered in confusion. At 5:30 p.m., Sobieski entered the deserted tent of Kara Mustafa and the battle of Vienna was over.

The Pope and other foreign dignitaries hailed Sobieski as the "Savior of Vienna and Western European civilization." In a letter to his wife he wrote, "All the common people kissed my hands, my feet, my clothes; others only touched me, saying: 'Ah, let us kiss so valiant a hand!'"

King Jan III Sobieski, nicknamed by the Turks the "Lion of Lechistan", and the last great king of Poland, died in Wilanów, Poland on June 17, 1696. His wife, Maria Kasimira, died in 1716 in Blois, France and her body was returned to Poland. They are interred together in Wawel Castle, Kraków, Poland.

King Jan III was succeeded by Augustus II who stayed in power primarily because of Russian support. On his death in 1733, a struggle for the crown of Poland ensued, referred to as the War of the Polish Succession.

Battles commanded by Sobieski

Later years

King John III Sobieski died in Wilanów, Poland on 17 June 1696. His wife, Maria Kasimira, died in 1716 in Blois, France, and her body was returned to Poland. They are interred together in Wawel Cathedral, Kraków, Poland.

King John III was succeeded by Augustus II who stayed in power primarily because of Russian support. On his death in 1733, a struggle for the crown of Poland ensued, referred to as the War of the Polish Succession.




Artist – Ewa Olszewska-Borys (the winner of the prestigious J. Sanford Saltus Award) 

Graduated in sculpture from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts and in medal engraving from the Ecole des Beaux- Arts in Paris. Has received the Wlodzimiers Pietrzak Artistic Award ( Warsaw, 1989) , the J. Sanford Saltus Award for Signal Achievements in the Arts of the Medal ( New York , 1993). FIDEM- member since 1969 


You can see this medal on hers webpage. 


From the interviwe with the artist

“It was a unique adventure. In 1997, the secretary to Paola, the Queen of Belgians, addressed several artists with the request to submit medals to celebrate Her Majesty's sixtieth birthday. The Queen chose my medal and, pleased with my work, expressed the wish to see me. She suggested me spending a weekend at Saint-Tropez. Regrettably I was unable to go for family reasons. I was convinced the Queen would forget about me, but the invitation was resumed several months later. I went to Brussels and was received by the Queen at a long private audience, as long as an hour (apparently an unprecedented lengthy in the Royal palace. Amiably straightforward, the Queen spoke about the art of the medal with expertness and showed much interest in my work. In a letter received later on, Her Majesty thanked me for the medal made for her.”