Handbooks and Anthologies: The Collection of Greek and Egyptian Incantations in Late Hellenistic Egypt. [From: Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 2. Bd., Heft 2, 2000].

von Faraone, Christopher A.:

Faraone, Christopher A.:
Verlag / Jahr
München, Leipzig: K. G. Saur, 2000.
Format / Einband
Reprint. pp. 195-214.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Author's name handwritten on cover, otherwise a very good and clean copy. - From the text: Most of our detailed knowledge of the practice of magic in Graeco-Roman Egypt is based on an extraordinary group of papyrus rolls, which date to the third- and fourth-centuries CE and which were most probably found in a tomb near Thebes in Upper Egypt. Known to scholars as the “Theban Magician’s Library” or the “Anastasi Handbooks” — named after the diplomat who first purchased them in the nineteenth century — these papyri are, in fact, a mixed blessing to scholars. On the one hand, they account for more than half of the extant Greek magical papyri and they provide an enormous amount of practical information about how magical spells were collected, transmitted and performed in late-antique Egypt. On the other hand, because they have dominated the discussion of Hellenistic and Roman magic for more than a century and a half, they have come to stand as a powerful paradigm for what all Greek magical handbooks should look like. - Wikipedia: Christopher A. Faraone (* 1955) ist ein US-amerikanischer Gräzist. Faraone wurde 1988 an der Universität Stanford zum Ph.D. promoviert und gehört seit 1991 der Fakultät der University of Chicago an, wo er als Frank Curtis Springer and Gertrude Melcher Springer Professor in the Humanities und Professor of classical languages and literature tätig ist. Seine Schwerpunkte sind die archaische und hellenistische griechische Dichtung, die antike Magie und die griechische Religion sowie die orientalischen Einflüsse auf die griechische Kultur.
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Handbooks and Anthologies: The Collection of Greek and Egyptian Incantations in Late Hellenistic Egypt. [From: Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 2. Bd., Heft 2, 2000].

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