[5 Volumes in 1] Renaissance Studies - Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies Volume 24: February (Re-thinkin Renaissance Objects: Design, Function and Meaning) - Number 1, April - Number 2, June - Number 3, September - Number 4, November - Number 5.

von Hadfield, Prof. Andrew (Ed.):

Hadfield, Prof. Andrew (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Oxford: Blackwell, 2010.
Format / Einband
Original brochure. 2378 p., w/ fig.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Condition: Minimally rubbed bindings. Otherwise in perfect condition. / Zustand: Minimal beriebene Einbände. Ansonsten im einwandfreien Zustand. - Content: Number 1: Introduction - Peta Motture and Michelle O’Malley; Finding fame: painting and the making of careers in Renaissance Italy - Michelle O’Malley; Set in stone: monumental altar frames in Renaissance Florence - Meghan Callahan & Donal Cooper; Veit Stoss and the origins of collecting of small-scale sculpture before 1500 - NorbertJopek; New light on a Venetian lantern at the V&A - Nick Humphrey & Martino Ferrari Bravo; Rethinking the Petrucci Pavement - Elizabeth Miller & Alun Graves; Dancing, love and the ‘beautiful game’: a new interpretation of a group of fifteenth-century ‘gaming’ boxes - Paula Nuttall; Sharing and status: the design and function of a sixteenth-century. Spanish spice stand in the Victoria and Albert Museum - Kirstin Kennedy; Scattered knives and dismembered song: cutlery, music and the rituals of dining - Flora Dennis; Number 2: Kings and tyrants: Leonardo Bruni’s translation of Xenophon’s Hiero - Brian Jeffrey Maxson; ‘You cannot sell liberty for all the gold there is’: promoting good governance in early Renaissance Florence - Peter Howard; Carità e potere: representing the Medici grand dukes as ‘fathers of the Innocenti’ - Diana Bullen Presciutti; Rabelais and the reception of the ‘art’ of Ramón Lull in early sixteenth-century France - John Lewis; The Renaissance of bees - Jonathan Woolfson; Review of exhibitions: Annibale Carracci - reviewed by Clare Robertson; La Nascita dell’arazzeria medicea dalle botteghe dei maestri fiamminghi alla manifattura ducale dei ‘Creati fiorentini’ Women in Power: Caterina and Maria de’ Medici, the Return to Florence of two Queens of France - reviewed by Andrea M. Gàldy; Renaissance non-humanism: plants, animals, machines, matter - Kevin Curran; Iain Fenlon, The Cerernonial City: History, Memory and Myth in Renaissance Venice. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007) - reviewed by Alexandra Bamji; Margaret D. Carroll, Painting and Politics in Northern Europe: Van Eyck, Bruegel, Rubens, and Their Contemporaries. (University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2008) reviewed by Jeanne Nuechterlein Tobias Foster Gittes, Boccaccio’s Naked Muse: Eros, Culture, and Mythopoetic Imagination. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008) - reviewed by Rhiannon Daniels; Matteo Residori (ed.), Espaces chevaleresques et héroïques de Boiardo au Tasse. (Université de Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle, 2008) - reviewed by Jane Everson; Number 3: Ficino’s Idea of architecture: the ‘mind’s-eye view’ in Quattrocento architectural drawings - Kathryn Blair Moore; ‘Condemned by some, read by all’: the attempt to suppress the publications of the Louvain humanist Erycius Puteanus in 1608 - Demmy Verbeke; John Donne, godly inscription, and permanency of self in Devotions upon Emergent Occasions - Matthew Horn; The ‘true likenesses’ in Francisco Pacheco’s Libro de retratos - Marta Cacho Casal; Thomas Browne’s A Letter to a Friend and the semiotics of disease - Reid Barbour; ‘The mountains are in labour, only mice are born’: Milton and republican diplomacy - Rosanna Cox; Titian, Tintoretto, and Veronese: Rivals in Renaissance Venice - reviewed by Thomas McGrath; Gwyn Fox, Subtle Subversions. Reading Golden Age Sonnets by Iberian Women. (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008) - reviewed by C. Brian Morris; Jacqueline Marie Musacchio, Art, Marriage, & Family in the Florentine Renaissance Palace. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008) - reviewed by Gabriele Neher; Dana E. Katz, The Jews in the Art of the Italian Renaissance. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008) - reviewed by Tom Nichols; Kathryn Banks, Cosmos and Image in the Renaissance: French Love Lyric and Natural-Philosophical Poetry. (Oxford: Legenda, 2008) - reviewed by Emma Herdman; Number 4: A literary invention: the Etruscan myth in early Renaissance Florence - Erik Schoonhoven; Two Greek excerpts by Johannes Cuno (1463-1513) in London - Arundel 550 - Eugenia Russell; Romance and resistance: narratives of chivalry in mid-Tudor England - Edward Wilson-Lee; ‘Quid sit anima’: Juan Luis Vives on the soul and its relation to the body - Lorenzo Casini; ‘Furnished with gentlemen’: the ambassador’s house in sixteenth-century Italy - Catherine Fletcher; Catholic loyalism, service and careerism: Lewes Lewkenor’s quest for favour - Marco Nievergelt; Royalist approaches to the civil war and commonwealth in familiar letter collections - Gary Schneider; Der Meister von Flémalle und Rogier van der Weyden - reviewed by Stephen Hanley; Charles the Bold: Splendour of Burgundy - reviewed by Godfried Croenen; Sacred Spain: Art and Belief in the Spanish World - reviewed by Pablo Pérez d’Ors; On patronage, fama and court: early modern political culture - Natasha Constantinidou; Alexander Cowan, Marriage, Manners and Mobility in Early Modern Venice. (Aidershot: Ashgate, 2007) - reviewed by Sarah Cockram; Virginia Cox, Women’s Writing in Italy 1400-1650. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008) - reviewed by Eleonora Carinci; Michele Marrapodi (ed.), Italian Culture in the Drama of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries: Rewriting, Remaking, Refashioning. (Aidershot: Ashgate, 2007) - reviewed by John Roe; Number 5: Plotting conflict in Florence 1300 - N. P.J. Gordon; In the mouths of charlatans. Street performers and the dissemination of pamphlets in Renaissance Italy - Rosa Salzberg; ‘Conspicuous’ consumption and popular consumers: material culture and social status in sixteenth-century Siena - Paula Hohti; Walter Scott of Buccleuch, Italian poet? - Alessandra Petrina; Strangers at home: the Sherley brothers and dramatic romance - Laurence Publicover; ‘Diversi Santi della nostra Città’: two frescoes by Ventura Salimbeni in Siena Cathedral - Gerald Parsons; ‘The proper and naturall meaning of the Prophets’: the hermeneutic roots of Judeo-centric eschatology - Andrew Crome; Cranach und die Kunst der Renaissance unter den Hohenzollern. Kirche, Hof und Stadtkultur - reviewed by Jeffrey Chipps Smith; Catherine’s World: Devotion, Demons and Daily Life in the Fifteenth Century - reviewed by Katherine Wilson; Titien, Tintoret, Véronèse . . . Rivalités à Venise - reviewed by Piers Baker-Bates; Recent studies in early modern Irish history - Andrew Hadfield; Heather Dubrow, The Challenges of Orpheus: Lyric Poetry in Early Modern England. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008) - eviewed by Hugh Adlington; Abigail Brundin, Victoria Colonna and the Spiritual Poetics of the Italian Reformation. (Aidershot: Ashgate Press, 2008) - reviewed by Jane Tylus; Ernest B. Gilman, Plague Writing in Early Modem England. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009) - reviewed by Joseph P. Byrne; Nina Taunton, Fictions of Old Age in Early Modem Literature and Culture. (New York: Routledge, 2007) - reviewed by Anthony Ellis; David Loewenstein and Paul Stevens (eds.), Early Modern Nationalism and Milton’s England. (Toronto and London: University of Toronto Press, 2008) - reviewed by Nicholas McDowell; Jyotsna G. Singh (ed.), A Companion to the Global Renaissance. English Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) - reviewed by Michael G. Brennan; J. B. Lethbridge, Shakespeare and Spenser: Attractive Opposites. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008) - reviewed by Kenneth Borris; David Loades, The Tudor Queens of England. (London: Continuum, 2009) - reviewed by Janet Dickinson.
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[5 Volumes in 1] Renaissance Studies - Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies Volume 24: February (Re-thinkin Renaissance Objects: Design, Function and Meaning) - Number 1, April - Number 2, June - Number 3, September - Number 4, November - Number 5.

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