The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome: Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction

von Rajak, Tessa:

Rajak, Tessa:
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
Taschenbuch 580 Seiten
ca. 788 g
Fresh and clean copy in good condition. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. Contents - Judaism and Hellenism revisited -- The sense of history in Jewish intertestamental writing -- Hasmonean kingship and the invention of tradition -- The Hasmoneans and the use of Hellenism -- Roman intervention in a Seleucid siege of Jerusalem? -- Dying for the law : the martyr's portrait in Jewish-Greek literature -- Ethnic identities in Josephus -- Friends, Romans, subjects : Agrippa II's speech in Josephus' Jewish war -- Justus of Tiberias as a Jewish historian -- Josephus and Justus of Tiberias -- The Against Apion and the continuities in Josephus' political thought -- Cio' de Flavio Giusepe Vide : Josephus and the Essenes -- Josephus and the archaeology of the Jews -- Moses in Ethiopia : legend and literature -- The Parthians in Josephus. Was there a Roman charter for the Jews? -- The Jewish community and its boundaries -- Jews and Christians as groups in a pagan world -- Benefactors in the Greco-Jewish diaspora -- Archisynagogoi : office, title and social status in the Greco-Jewish synagogue -- Inscription and context : reading the Jewish catacombs of Rome -- Jews, pagans and Christians in late antique Sardis : models of interaction -- The synagogue in the Greco-roman city -- The rabbinic dead and the diaspora dead at Beth She'arim -- Jews, Semites and their cultures in Fergus Millar's Roman Near East -- Talking at Trypho : Christian apologetic as anti-Judaism in Justin's Dialogue with Trypho the Jew -- Jews and Greeks : the invention and exploitation of polarities in the nineteenth century. ISBN 9780391041332
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The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome: Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction

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