The Etruscans.

von Graeme, Barker and Rasmussen Tom:

Graeme, Barker and Rasmussen Tom:
The Peoples of Europe.
Verlag / Jahr
London : Blackwell, 2000.
Format / Einband
Original Softcover. Ill. ; maps ; 379 p.
ca. 671 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Small abrasions on the cover. Otherwise good and clean. - Einband leicht berieben. Sonst gut und sauber. - Introduction: This is a book about a remarkable society and the landscape that shaped and sustained it. From the eighth century bc, the Etruscan civilization flourished in Etruria, the region on the western side of central Italy bounded on the north by the Arno and on the south end east by the Tiber (fig. 1). In their heyday in the seventh and sixth centuries bc, the Etruscans were the major power in Italy and disputed the hegemony of the central and western Mediterranean with the Greeks. Greek culture profoundly affected Etruscan culture, and the Etruscans in turn had a profound effect on the early republic of Rome as it grew up on their southern boundary. Between the fourth and first centuries bc, however, the Etruscans gradually yielded their regional hegemony to Rome’s aggrandizing power in the face of a combination of military force and cultural assimilation. The location of the Etruscans in central Italy on Rome’s very doorstep, and their contemporaneity with the Greeks and early Romans, are therefore of great significance for the cultural history of the Mediterranean. This history, however, has usually been viewed almost entirely in Greek and Roman terms, and the Etruscan contribution to it is not easy to define, primarily because there are very few Etruscans about whom anything is known other than their name, so the part they played must be, for us today, a somewhat impersonal one. Etruscan archaeology, on the other hand, is very rich and varied and provides an extremely dense and complex body of data for interpretation, one that becomes denser with every year of archaeological research. ISBN 9780631220381
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