Renaissance Medical Learning: Evolution of a Tradition : Osiris : Second Series, Volume 6 Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences

von Siraisi, Nancy G. and Michael R. McVaugh:

Siraisi, Nancy G. and Michael R. McVaugh:
Verlag / Jahr
University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Format / Einband
Taschenbuch 244 Seiten
ca. 501 g
Fresh and clean copy in good condition. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. Contents: Jerome J. Bylebyl - The Medical Meaning pf Physica - Mark D. Jordan - The Construction of a Philosophical Medicine: Exegesis and Argument in Salernitan Teaching on the Soul - Michael R. McVaugh - The Nature and Limits of MEdical Certitude at Early Fourtheenth - Century Montpellier - Luis Garcia- Ballester - Lola Ferre - Eduard Feliu - Jewish Appreciation of Fourtheenth century Scholastic Medcine - Chiara Crisciani - HIstory, Novelty , and Progress in Scholastic Medicine - Danielle Jacquart - Theory, Everyday Practice, and Three Fifteenth - Century Physicians - Nancy G. Siraisi - Giovanni Argenterio and Sixteenth Century Medical Innovation - Between Princely Patronage and Acadmic Controversy - Richard J. Durling - Girolamo Mercuriale's De Modeo Studendi - Vivian Nutton - The Reception of Fracastoro's Theory of Contagion - The Seed that Fell among Thorns? ISBN 9780934235174
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Renaissance Medical Learning: Evolution of a Tradition : Osiris : Second Series, Volume 6

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