( Leinengebunden , hardcover ) Material differences. Art and identity in Africa. Preface Elsie Mccabe.

von Herreman, Frank (Ed.):

Herreman, Frank (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
New York : Museum for African Art ; Gent : Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, 2003.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag. 179 S.
ca. 1550 g
Exemplar aus der Arbeitsbibliothek des Kurators der Afrika-Sammlung des Berliner Völkerkundemuseums Hans-Joachim Koloss, nur der Schutzumschlag etwas berieben und sonst ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - REVEALING FORMS THROUGH SUBTRACTION -- Sculpting in Wood, Ivory, and Stone HERMAN BURSSENS -- TRANSFORMING THROUGH FIRE -- Iron Sculpture in Africa WILLIAM J. DEWEY -- African Ceramics JEROME VOGEL -- Sculpting in Copper Alloys FRANK HERREMAN -- "Brass Never Rusts, Lead Never Rots": Brass and Brasscasting in the Edo Kingdom of Benin PAULA BEN-AMOS GIRSHICK -- Gold FRANK HERREMAN -- The Ephemeral and 'Un-Transportable' FRANK HERREMAN -- Leaf Masks Among the Bobo and the Bwa CHRISTOPHER D. ROY -- Earth Revews Earth: Igbo Mbari Houses HERBERT M. COLE -- Eravwe: An Ephemeral Urhobo Water Spirit Masquerade PERKINS FOSS -- Kalengula: Ephemeral Masks among the Luntu and Neighboring Peoples of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola CONSTANTINE PETRIDIS -- ACCUMULATING POWER -- Enhancing Spiritual and Secular Power Through Accumulating Materials FRANK HERREMAN -- Tupele Divination Materials and Their Relative Symbolic Attributes MANUEL A. JORDAN -- A French Perspective on African 'Power Objects': Travel, Philosophical and Anthropological Accounts MICHELE CHADEISSON. ISBN 9789053494585
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EUR 38,00
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( Leinengebunden , hardcover ) Material differences. Art and identity in Africa.

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