Lod Chong Maker Thai Traditional Style Coconut Milk Dessert Noodles Mold Cookware

This amazing tool is used for making "Lod Chong" (cendol in coconut milk) which is a popular dessert in Thailand.

How to make Lod Chong

1. Add rice flour followed by mung bean flour and pandan water into the mixture and cook it under medium heat.
2. Beginning stiring the mixture for around 10-15 minutes until you see that everything is mixed together and the thickness is consistent. (It is recommended to stir in only one direction).
3. Turn off the heater and pour out the cooked mixture into the lod chong press and press it in a pumping motion to cut the noodles.

**You can easily find more detailed instructions with pictures and videos online so you shouldn't have to worry about how to make it.**