Lorenzo De'Medici. Selected Poems and Prose. Edited by Jon Thiem, translated by Jon Thiem and Others.

von Thiem, Jon (Hg.):

Thiem, Jon (Hg.):
Verlag / Jahr
The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991.
Format / Einband
Gebundene Ausgabe mit Schutzumschlag / Hardcover with dust jacket. 192 p.
ca. 531 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Sehr guter Zustand, nur Schutzumschlag leicht abgenutzt. Alter Preisvermerk auf Schmutztitel / Very good condition, only dust jacket slightly worn. Old price note on half title. - PREFACE When, fresh out of graduate school, I first read Lorenzo de’ Medici’s “Ambra” in Italian, I felt the thrill of discovery. A new poetic world opened before my eyes. More than any other Florentine writer I knew, Lorenzo succeeded in capturing the beauty, seasonal changes, and rhythms of life of the Tuscan countryside, the stage setting for his Ovidian myth about the nymph Ambra and her narrow escape from a passionate river god. I wondered why I had heard so little of Lorenzo the poet, and why “Ambra” and his other long poems had never been translated into English. Only much later did 1 find answers to these questions, which concern the curious vagaries of Lorenzo’s reception history and are dealt with in part III of the Introduction. On reading more of Lorenzo’s works, I encountered a body of untranslated poems containing vivid evocations of the natural world, enchanting mythological tales, and lively, often humorous stories of everyday Tuscan life. And so in 1977 I began the project of translating Lorenzo’s neglected masterpieces. This is the first book-length selection of Lorenzo’s literary writings to be offered in English. Though renowned as a statesman, politician, and patron, Lorenzo is hardly known in the English-speaking world as the major poetic voice of the Florentine Renaissance. Appropriately, Lorenzo will be making his debut in English on the eve of the quincentenary of his death (1492), and at a time when much of the world will be celebrating Renaissance Italy as the progenitor of the Columbian discovery of America. I hope this selection of Lorenzo’s literary writings, along with the interpretation of them in my introduction, will serve as the basis for a new appreciation of Lorenzo’s achievement. I also hope that it will give pleasure to students and general readers, and allow them to experience firsthand an ebullient expression of the Florentine Renaissance, without which our understanding of the Quattrocento remains one-sided and incomplete. ISBN 9780271007724
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Lorenzo De'Medici. Selected Poems and Prose.

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