Original Japanese Art (Volume 3) - Nara Temple and Tenpyo Scupture

von Asano, Kiyoshi und Hisashi Mori:

Asano, Kiyoshi und Hisashi Mori:
Verlag / Jahr
Shogakukan, Tokyo, 1966.
Format / Einband
gebundene Ausgabe 224 Seiten
ca. 387 g
Frisches und sauberes Hardcover-Exemplar mit Schutzumschlag und Originalverpackung. Farbfotos durchgehend. Teil einer mehrbändigen Reihe zur japanischen Kunstgeschichte. Inhalt - List of Plates - Aeroview of Daibutsu-den Hall - Shikkongo Shin - Sangatsu-do - Interior (East Side) of Sangatsu-do Hall - Interior (West Side) of Sangatsu-do Hall - Fukukenjaku Kannon - Crown and canopy of Fukukenjaku Kannon - Nikko Bosatsu - Gakko Bosatsu - Kongo Rikishi - Kongo Rikishi - Eastern and WEstern Rikishi of the Pair - Bon Ten - Taishaku Ten (Indra) - Tamon Ten (Vaisravana) - Zocho Ten (Virudhaka) - Detail of Shikkongo Shin - Goblin of hte pedestal for Jikoku Ten - Ritual objects buried at the building site of Kondo hall - Detail of the Pagoda - INterior of Kondo hall - Nikko Bosatsu - Divine animals of the pedestal for Yakushi Nyorai - Sho Kannon Bosatsu - Detail of Sho Kannon Bosatsu - Sho Kannon Bosatsu - Three-storied Pagoda - Ritual objects buried at the building site of Kondo Hall - Colonnade of Kondo Hall - Priest Ganjin - Yakushi Nyorai - Bon Ten (Brahma) Interior fo Kondo Hall - Rushana Butsu
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EUR 105,00
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Original Japanese Art (Volume 3) -  Nara Temple and Tenpyo Scupture

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