Herodas: The Mimes and Fragments.

von Knox, A. D. (Ed.):

Knox, A. D. (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Bristol: Classical Press, 2001.
Format / Einband
Original brochure. 465 p.
ca. 648 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Cracked binding, minimal lesions. - Content: From time of the publication of the first text of Herodas, Walter Headlam worked always with an eye to the establishment and elucidation of the Mimes. On learning that Henry Jackson did not intend to write a commentary he took the work in hand; but always there remained some problems which held him back. A great many of the notes which are printed here are as he left them; but the majority, which are of earlier date, have been expanded either from additions by Headlam at the side of the notes, from ‘adversaria’ by him in other editions of Herodas, or from references at the end of his books. A few additions, more especially from recent discoveries, have been made by the present editor. A small minority of the notes up to Mime vn, several of the notes on Mime vn, and a large majority of the subsequent notes have been written by the present editor, together with text, translation, critical notes and indexes. The aim has been partly to produce a complete edition, partly to give as fully as possible the results of all Headlam’s researches. Various circumstances have made it difficult to take account of recent literature on Herodas without unduly delaying the appearance of this work ; and, though the actual date of publication is 1922, the edition is no more advanced than it might have been in 1913. Introduction I is composed from various sources—lecture notes, jottings and an article by Headlam in the Encyclopaedia Britannica-, and it has been thought more important to preserve actual words than to aim at a uniform style, or formality of diction. Introduction II gives the views of the present editor on editing Herodas, in as brief a form as possible. The present editor desires to acknowledge, as Headlam would have done, his thanks to Sir Frederic Kenyon for his unfailing courtesy and readiness to assist in testing various ideas, to Mr J. T. Sheppard (from whom he took over the work) for his willingness to supply suggestions, to Mr A. S. F. Gow for his kindness in reading some early proof-sheets, and to Prof. H. Stuart Jones for several corrections. Other suggestions are acknowledged throughout where received; but a special debt is due to Mr Bell and Mr Lamacroft of the British Museum for contributing most materially to the piecing of two columns.My very best thanks are due to the staff of the University Press for some especially difficult and trying work. ISBN 9781853996245
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