( Paperback edition ) African reflections. Art from northeastern Zaire. Foreword by George D. Langdon, Jr.

von Schildkrout , Enid und Curtis A. Keim (Eds.):

Schildkrout , Enid und Curtis A. Keim (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Seattle : University of Washington Press ; New York : American Museum of Natural History, 1990.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. Originalbroschur, 271 S.
ca. 550 g
Broschierte Museumsausgabe, ein sehr gutes Exemplar. - Art, Ethnography, and History in Northeastern Zaire -- Through Western Eyes: The Making of the Mangbetu Myth -- Collecting in the Congo: The American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition, 1909-1915 -- Reconstructing the Past by Jan Vansina -- Mangbetu Social Organization in the Early Colonial Period -- The Art and Technology of Daily Life -- The Art of Adornment -- The Craft of Power and the Art of Kings -- Dealing with Destiny: Aspects of Mangbetu Thought -- Music and Dance in Northeastern Zaire Part 1 : The Social Organization of Mangbetu Music by Didier Demolin Part 2: Collecting Culture: -- Musical Instruments and Musical Change by Thomas Ross Miller -- Art, Culture, and Tribute among the Azande by John Mack -- Reflections on Mangbetu Art. ISBN 295969628
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( Paperback edition ) African reflections. Art from northeastern Zaire.

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