The Theater of Plautus: Playing to the Audience.

von Moore, Timothy J.:

Moore, Timothy J.:
Verlag / Jahr
Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998.
Format / Einband
Original brochure. 263 p.
ca. 513 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Minimally scuffed and gaping binding. Otherwise in very good condition. - Content: Some of my first experiences with the plays of Plautus were as an actor, performing in Aulularia and Mostellaria while an undergraduate at Millersville University. As a result, when I began to study Plautus more formally, I found the performance-centered work of critics such as Gianna Petrone and Niall Slater most congenial. Inspired by such performance critics and my own experience onstage, I have sought to describe more fully how Plautus’s plays may have worked in performance, with particular attention paid to Plautus’s actors and their relationship with their audience. In addition to a more thorough view of the roles of actors and spectators, I hope to give readers of Plautus a greater appreciation of the significance ofPlau-tine performance within its social and historical milieu. The book has, I think, much to say to specialists in ancient drama and to classicists in general. At the same time, I would like this book to help bridge a most unfortunate gap: that between classics and theater history, where Plautus—and Roman drama in general—is too often neglected. I began this work at Harvard University on a Mellon Faculty Fellowship and continued it with a Summer Research Award from the University of Texas at Austin. The Department of Classics at the University of Texas and its two chairs, Michael Gagarin and Thomas Palaima, have been very supportive. David Armstrong, Charlotte Canning, Erwin Cook, Karl Galinsky, Mary Womble Gerdes, Kelvin Gregory, Judith Hallett, Frances Hickson, Jerzy Linderski, and Douglass Parker read parts of the manuscript in earlier versions. Thomas Hubbard, Dan McGowan, Gwyn Morgan, Kenneth Reckford, and Andrew Riggsby were kind enough to read the entire work. The suggestions and critiques of all these readers have been invaluable, as have those of William Anderson, Elaine Fantham, and Sander Goldberg, the readers for the University of Texas Press. Whatever inadequacies remain result from my own stubbornness or negligence. I received help in preparing the manuscript from John Erler, Jesse Harvey, and Chris Williams, and from Jim Burr, Sherry Wert, and the editorial staff at the University of Texas Press. Krista M. Osmundson created the indices. Earlier versions of portions of Chapters 6 and 7 appeared in the online publication Didaskalia and American Journal of Philology (1991), respectively. A University Cooperative Society Subvention Grant awarded by the University of Texas at Austin helped cover the costs of publication. Many friends, especially Joe and Nancy Gol-san, Carol Speer, and Bill Sheldon, provided advice and encouragement when it was most needed. Finally, this book could not have been written without the support of my family, especially Michael Whisenhunt, Wilma Moore, and Richard and Janet Moore. ISBN 9780292752177
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The Theater of Plautus: Playing to the Audience.

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