Beautiful Snack Set - 11 Snack Plates and 13 Cups

Pattern: YAM86. By Yamaka

Shell-shaped plate, cup rest

What a great set!  The shell-shaped appetizer plates have a cup rest and are designed for easy  holding while you mingle and hob-nob. Your guests won't have to balance food and drink precariously on little plates (there will be food on the floor) or have your guests use large dinner plates (they are heavy to hold, even without food). Most plates are designed to sit on tables, so they only need a modest rim to keep food on the plate. Walking around with a plate of food and a drink is much more challenging, and your guests will appreciate that you have proper snack plates with raised edges.

Mishaps will happen, and they put a strain on the atmosphere that you have worked hard to create. Using the right dishes will reduce that risk dcand will put your guests more at ease.