Used. In bulk packing.
the item  will has slight scratches on the surface due to transportation and storage,please understand.
This product has been deeply cleaned, sterilized and packed. Please feel free to use it
*Steam VR 2.0 locator supports HTC vive pro, Valve index and other head display devices using steam VR 2.0 tracking technology.
*We recommend two Base Stations for most room-scale play areas. If you're covering an area larger than 5 x 5 meters (~16 x 16 feet), you can add additional Base Stations for additional tracking and increased accuracy.
*For seated or standing-only play areas, one Base Station can be sufficient, but two are still recommended to ensure your Base Stations don't lose sight of your devices.
*A single room can support up to 4 locators running at the same time. Multiple locators can effectively improve the space size and positioning accuracy of positioning. 
    • 1.0 (HTC-branded) and 2.0 (Valve-branded) Base Stations will not work with each other in the same VR setup.
    • Index will work with both 1.0 and 2.0 Base Stations.
  • 2.0 Base Stations will not work with the original Vive headset or Wand controllers, but will work with the Vive Pro product family.
Base Station*1