The INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SHOW in MEMPHIS is legendary from drawing out new discoveries. 2007 was no exception

At the show, an original pack of previously unknown COPE Experimental surfaced. Although unlisted or un-illustrated in any reference, the absolute authenticity of the pieces--as Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) products was unmistakable. The serialo numbers are deeply embossed and identical in font to those used on United States paper money..

However, we understood that others might not be as readily convinced, so the trial piees were submitted to PCGS for authentication and grading. Laura Kessler, VP of Business Development for PCGS Currency, spearheaded the research. Although none of the specialists she consulted had seen an example previously--each concluded that the specimens represented genuin COPE EXPERIMENT TEST NOTES, manufactured during the 1970s.

Additional research by Bob Kvederas, Jr--using advanced software techniques--uncovered the presence of invisible roller marks, left by COPE machinery during the manufacture--offering unequivocal (if unseen) evidence of their origin.

The COPE EXPERIMENTAL TEST NOTES are identical in dimension to small size paper money. There is NO BACK PRINTING. The only design elements on the front are the serial numbers, executed in grey ink. Intersting to say the least!

Only 100 pieces certified by PCGS, with far fewer than half available.

AN important link within United States paper money--and a worthwhile addition to your collection..

These are available in different grades, at different prices.