Thanks for reading through this listing this far... What we have here is one of the best designs for accessing young coconut water and the tender coconut "meat" or flesh inside. Here's how it works ...and it's important to pay attention to this. If you do it right, it's practically effortless and quite safe. If you do it wrong, you'll be exhausted, your tool will get broken, and you'll likely be injured! Fortunately, it's quite easy to use if you do it right. Note that this tool cannot put a hole or really do anything to a mature hard-shelled, mostly dry coconut. We are talking about green/young coconuts. The biggest trick is to place the coconut in the correct position to begin with. That's a bit tricky since these are all manufactured oversees in climates that are likely quite different than where you are now (Florida being the exception)... and the photos and instructions on many of these similar listings show green coconuts with the green husk still on. With those you actually open the pointy-er top part. With the more common presentation of the young PEELED light colored coconut that you will likely find in your grocery store's refrigerated isle, the top is actually the bottom flat part of the those coconuts. SO... you need to flip it over and work with the flat side on those. That is very important. Once you poke around a bit and find one of the three "eyes," you'll just need to push a bit and twist this handy tool more like a drill. You will never in your life stab your way through a coconut. It will catch after a few twists and dig itself in and carve out a nice big hole without much effort. Check out the photos and video I placed on this listing to see how it's done. I just cringe after reading some of the comments of bad experiences on the other competing listings. There's no need for ruining your day from opening a coconut! Fortunately, you have found this tool and this information. Your coconut opening worries are over. Buy and enjoy!