We bought this necklace in Nepal from a Tibetan family.

Date: 1890 - 1925.

25 beads.

Length of necklace: 21 inches.

Length of beads: 20 inches.

Largest  bead diameter 24 mm.  Smallest bead diameter 19 mm.

The condition of this necklace is good. These beads have traveled at least 3 continents and have been owned by many different people. There are small chips, some corrosion and pitting on these old beads. There are a few age related cracks and embedded dirt.  This is a normal part of the patina which shows the great age of these beads and they have been extensively used.

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Our Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and they can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone. These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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