Issue 5. 2014. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Volume 95

von Birksted-Breen, Dana (Ed.):

Birksted-Breen, Dana (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Routledge, October 2014.
Format / Einband
820 - 1050 S.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Exemplar. Inhalt - Freudian modalities of disbelief - Nicolas Guérin, Marie Lenormand & Jean-jacques Rassial - Affect regulation: Holding, containing and mirroring - Signe Holm Pedersen, Stig Poulsen & Susanne Lunn - An overview of the treatment of severe narcissistic pathology - Otto F. Kernberg - Bion's Notes on memory and desire – its initial clinical reception in the united states: A note on archival material - Joseph Aguayo - On remembering: The notion of memory without recollection - César Botella - Plea for the unity of the Freudian theory of memory - Udo Hock - Dreaming the other's past: Why remembering may still be relevant to psychoanalytic therapy, at least in some traditions - Tilmann Habermas - The work of remembering and the revival of the psychoanalytic method - Dominique Scarfone - Introduction to: “The compulsion to confess and the compulsion to judge in the analytic situation” by Stefano Fajrajzen - Simona Argentieri
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis / Zeitschrift; Psychoanalyse
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Issue 5. 2014. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis.

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