Traditional Nigerian Musical Instruments. (Ausstellung). Centre for Nigerian Cultural Studies ... Zaria.

von Okita, S. I. O. (u.a.):

Okita, S. I. O. (u.a.):
Verlag / Jahr
Ahmadu Bello University Press, o.J. (ca. 1985).
Format / Einband
ca. 10 S.; 25 cm; geheftet. Titelblatt illustr.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; Einband berieben. - Einige S. Text (englisch) / ohne Illustrationen. - ... Another class of musical instruments on display are areophones. These instruments are so classified because the air constitutes their main vibrating agent. It has been suggested that wind instruments such as the flutes which may be mere whistles of bones or reed without fingerholes and capable of only a single, screaming note and the trumpets roughly made of hollow stems nr branches, are often used as mega-phones, to be spoken, shouted or wailed into, or to mask the player's voice. When tied with certain networks of cosmological ideas and symbols, notes Weinstock, they help with their characteristic sounds and shapes, in driving away malevolent demons and in creating life, growth and bliss. The third class of instruments, membranophones or drums -with a bladder or skin to be struck or rubbed, and tightly stretched across an opening - provides another example among the things, of musical instruments that are kept as sacred objects to receive veneration and sacrifice- We have many examples of drums from different parts of Nigeria on display but the set of Ogboni drums, more than any others, provides the best example of membranophones that are associated with religious ideas. … (Seite 2)
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Traditional Nigerian Musical Instruments.

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