Frankincense Resin Incense Granular / 100% Organic Pure Tears Aromatic ( 2 lbs )

2lbs Hojari Royal Green Frankincense100% Organic OMAN Resin Sacra Boswellia AAA 

Why Omani frankincense is more expensive than others

It is not possible to produce large quantities of the original Hojari frankincense because of the difficulty of harvesting it, because it is harvested in a traditional way, piece by piece, and requires special conditions.

All other types, such as Ethiopian frankincense and others, look similar to Omani frankincense, but as soon as you hold it in your hand, you will know directly that it is not good from its smell

You will find many types of frankincense at lower prices that will not be as good as the green Omani frankincense

And this is what modern science has proven.

Why is Al-Hojari frankincense considered the best type of frankincense in the world ?

Studies conducted in 2002 show that :

** It reduces anxiety and depression

Frankincense is often used as a remedy for anxiety, stress and depression as it is believed to lift the mood and naturally enhance mental wellbeing. neuro-active

 components   are believed to increase the oxygen supply to the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain, rebalancing your hormones and reducing feelings of stress and


** It has anti-inflammatory properties

Research indicates that the Boswellic Acid in Frankincense can prevent the release of leukotrienes, compounds that can cause inflammation in the body. Frankincense

 has therefore been used to treat the symptoms of arthritis, reducing pain and improving mobility over time. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also believed to

 support gut health, leading Frankincense to be used as a natural treatment for Crohn?s Disease.

** It regenerates skin cells

Research has shown that Frankincense is highly beneficial for promoting the regeneration of skin cells, reducing scars and blemishes, and preventing premature ageing.

 It is believed to tighten, tone and lift the skin while enhancing and improving its elasticity.

** It promotes oral health

Studies have shown that the Boswellic acid in Frankincense has strong antibacterial properties, which can help prevent and treat oral infections. It can also prevent bad

 breath, toothaches, cavities and mouth sores

Ways to use frankincense:

Burn frankincense resin using charcoal discs for an intensely rich, sacred-smelling aroma.

Inhale frankincense directly ? either in the form of resin or essential oil.

Diffuse frankincense essential oil in an oil diffuser.

Infuse your drinking water with pure frankincense resin in a jar or water bottle.

**If you are looking for the best types of frankincense in the world, you are in the right place.

** If you do not like it, we will refund your money immediately without any questions **Because we know that we sell the best frankincense ever**

Hurry up, quantities are limited

For any questions about frankincense, please send  me a message .My name is Sarah and I will be happy to answer your questions