High quality 200g Mini White Tapioca Pearls Boba Sago 100% Pure Organic Fresh Ceylon

Sago is a type of starch extracted from tropical palms like Metroxylon Sagu. It’s versatile and a primary source of carbs in some parts of the world. Sago contains antioxidants and resistant starch and has been linked to many benefits, including improving risk factors for heart disease and enhancing exercise performance.

Benefits of Sago:

Improves Bone Health.

Promotes Muscle Growth.

Helps in the Fast yet Healthy Gain of Weight.

Contains Potassium that Plays a Very Important Role in the Regulation of Blood Pressure.

Keep the Blood Pressure in Check by Controlling the Level of Blood Circulation Around the Body.

Excellent Source of Energy Boosting Carbohydrates.

Helps People with Eating Disorders and Improves Digestion.

Helps to Prevent Birth Defects, Bloating, Indigestion, Constipation and Flatulence.