Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings

von DK:

Auflage: Illustrated
Verlag / Jahr
DK, 16.06.2008.
Format / Einband
Gebundene Ausgabe 352 Seiten
ca. 1201 g
Fresh and clean hardcover copy in good condition with original dustjacket. Frisches und sauberes Hardcover-Exemplar in gutem Zustand mit Original-Schutzumschlag. Contents: The Cosmos - The Sun - The Moon - The Night Sky - The Earth - Mountains - Fire - Water - The Weather - Rain and Snow - Floods - The Seasons - Precious Stones - Gold - Precious Matter - Natural World - Mammals - Cats - Birds - Eagles - Reptiles and Amphibians - Snakes - Aquatic Creatures - Creepy Crawlies - Fabulous Beasts - Dragons - Plants - Flowers - The Lotus - Herbs and SPices - The Forest - Trees - Sacred Trees - Fruits of the Earth - Foods of the Earth - Human Life - the head - head trophies - human body - hands and feet - fertility and childbirth - initiation rites - love and marriage - death and mourning - vanitas - myths and religions - Egyptian deities - Greek and Roman deities - Celtic and Nordic deities - Meso and South American deities - ancestors - nature spirits - tribal totems, heroes and tricksters - the Dreaming - Shamanism - Creation stories - Hinduism - Buddhism - Taoism adn shinto - judaism - kabbalah - christianity - Islam - Sikhism - Voodoo - Angels - Satan and demons - Witches and Wicca - Amulets - Divination - Western Astrology - Societz and CUlture - Symbol systems ISBN 9780756633936
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Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings

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