All-Japan: The Catalogue of Everything Japanese. Introd. by Oliver Statler.

von Dalby, Liza (u.a.):

Dalby, Liza (u.a.):
Verlag / Jahr
Columbus Books / Quarto Marketing, 1984.
Format / Einband
224 S.; zahlr. Illustr. (vorw. farbig); 25,5 cm; kart.
ca. 750 g
Gutes Ex. - Englisch. - Written by eight of the world's foremost experts, here is the ultimate catalogue of everything Japanese, whether it be Japanese lifestyle, culture, or its tangible objects. Organized into hundreds of topical units and profusely illustrated throughout with more than 250 photographs, ALL-JAPAN includes every facet of past and present Japanese culture, with particular emphasis on their relationships to contemporary Western lifestyle. Ranging from topics as diverse as ritual to collectibles, here are the objects of ceramics, theatre, design, massage, sushi, transportation, festivals, sumo wrestling, and even insect collecting. In addition, a unique and all-inclusive "Sources" listing pinpoints sources for collecting, mail-order purchasing, further research, and reference for the Western consumer. Here, for the first time, is a comprehensive survey coupled with a useful and mesmerizing sourcebook - a combination that will tantalize both the armchair reader and the consumer. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : ... DESIGN ----- Architecture ----- Lighting ----- Clothing ----- Gardens ----- Gardening ----- Graphics ----- High-Tech -- VISUAL ARTS ----- Scrolls ----- Screens ----- Prints ----- Photography ----- Sculpture ----- Calligraphy ----- Dutch Studies -- LITERATURE AMD FILM ----- Poetry ----- Story ----- Diaries and Zuihitsu ----- Comics ----- Film ----- (u.v.a.) ISBN 0862870739
Japan / Kultur; Kunst; Design; Kunsthandwerk
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All-Japan: The Catalogue of Everything Japanese. Introd. by Oliver Statler.

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