Gilbert Murray: An Unfinished Autobiography.

von Smith, Jean and Arnold Toynbee (eds.):

Smith, Jean and Arnold Toynbee (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1960.
Format / Einband
Cloth with dustjacket. 225 p.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Schutzumschlag berieben und bestoßen, mit Randläsuren und Einrissen, Schutzumschlag außerdem verschmutzt, Leimschatten und Bleistifteinträge auf Vorsatz / dust jacket rubbed and bumped, with marginal tears and tears, dust jacket also soiled, glue shadow and pencil entries on endpapers. - When Gilbert Murray died in 1957, England lost its most famous Greek scholar; his 91 years had spanned and influenced a whole epoch of our cultural life, while his manifold interests, his contribution to the cause of international peace and intellectual co-operation, established him as one of the most impressive public figures of our time. His friendships were very wide and he was in contact with very many of his great contemporaries. He left behind him this autobiographical fragment of astonishing charm, which tells of his boyhood in Australia in the mid-nineteenth century, of his life as an undergraduate at Oxford and of his early teaching days. To this have been added some Notes (Jean Smith) from his correspondence now in the Bodleian Library carrying the outline to 1957; and contributions to supplement the story of his life: The Teacher of Greek (Isobel Henderson), The Theatre and Gilbert Murray (Sybil Thorndike and Lewis Casson), Gilbert Murray and the League of Nations (Salvador de Madariaga), followed by Murray’s own account of the Committee for Intellectual Co-operation, and Bertrand Russell’s memories of A Fifty-six Year Friendship. Two samples of Gilbert Murray’s Greek composition are appended. / CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FOREWORD A. J. Toynbee INTRODUCTION E. R. Dodds PART I I AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL FRAGMENT Gilbert Murray 2 1889-1957: SOME PERSONAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL NOTES Jean Smith 3 TWO GREEK VERSIONS FROM MODERN ENGLISH Gilbert Murray PART II 4 THE TEACHER OF GREEK Isobel Henderson 5 THE THEATRE AND GILBERT MURRAY Sybil Thorndike, in collaboration with Lewis Casson 6 GILBERT MURRAY AND THE LEAGUE Salvador de Madariaga 7 THE COMMITTEE FOR INTELLECTUAL CO-OPERATION IN GILBERT MURRAY’S PAPERS Jean Smith 8 A FIFTY-SIX YEAR FRIENDSHIP Bertrand Russell 9 THE UNITY OF GILBERT MURRAY’S LIFE AND WORK Arnold Toynbee INDEX.
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Gilbert Murray: An Unfinished Autobiography.

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