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Arrangement: Solo Piano
Publisher: Yorktown Music Press
Catalogue No: YK20048
ISBN: 9780860014061

Classics to Moderns
Book 4
compiled & edited by Denes Agay
Suggested Retail Price: £8.99

The Classics To Moderns series consists of six books, each containing an outstanding selection of original music spanning more than three centuries. A wide representation of composers across the volumes includes lesser known composers as well as the recognised and established masters. The music provides the pianist with a repertoire which is enjoyable for player and listener alike, for incidental light music or concerts and reviews. This Classics To Moderns book is the fourth volume in the series, has been compiled and edited by Denes Agay and is suitable for pianists working at grade 4 standard.
Bohemian Folk Song, Concertino In D Major, Op.15 (Kuchler), Concertino In G Major, Op.8, No.4 (Huber),
Donkey Doodle [Kroll, William], Elves Dance (Jenkinson), English Folk Song, French Folk Song, Giguetta,
La Cinquantaine [Gabriel-Marie], Marche, Mosquito Dance, Op.62, No.5 (Mendelssohn), Musette, Russian Folk Song,
Scotch Folk Song, The Puppet Show, Op.5 No.1 [Trott, Josephine], Theme And Variations (Papini/Applebaum),
and Welsh Air