Chuck Norris VHS collection, 5 movies: Missing in Action, Delta Force 1&2, more.

I don't know, this might be too much Chuck for you.  Enter a world where one man can do absolutely anything and then that man meets Chuck Norris.  Game.... over.

In this collection, you will receive Missing in Action, a classic 'return to Vietnam to bring the POWs back' film.  "The War's not over until the last man comes home!"  Just look at the way Mr. Norris straddles that M-60 on the cover.  I've never wanted to be a gun more in my life.  

Then we have Delta Force and it's sequel, Delta Force 2.  Liam 'freakin' Neeson is an extra in the first star-packed Delta Force film, which also starred Chuck Norris, the only real star of course.  He allowed Lee Marvin, Robert Vaughn, Kim Delaney, Robert Forster, Joey Bishop, Martin Balsam, Shelly Winters, and a few others to watch him work up close... not too close though.  The sequel co-starred Billy Drago and John P. Ryan, what? Never heard of them?  That's because Chuck Norris.

Next up is Firewalker.  Louis Gossett, Jr. co-stars in this masterpiece, where he and Mr. Chuck Norris travel to Guatemala in search of Aztec treasure.  Widely considered Mr. Norris' acting Opus Dei, many Academy members went missing after he was robbed of a nomination.

Finally we have Hero and the Terror.  In this one, Mr. Carlos Ray Norris (Don't ever call him that by the way, only I can call him that) stars as a Los Angeles police office who's nemesis Simon Moon (played by the legendary Jack O'Halloran) has escaped prison and is back to snapping women's necks with his huge bare hands.  As the VHS cover reads: 'It's going to take some quick-fisted, bone-jarring, one-man SWAT-team action to send him back.'  Wonder whom they called?

I just added Code of Silence.  Mr. Norris teams up with a robot to down a drug gang.  Are you kidding me?  I guess he just got tired of weak human partners.

The slip covers are far from perfect condition and you can thank Mrs. Bernard Kriesel for putting her personalized stickers on them, but the picture of Mr. Norris are unscathed.