Transcending The Self: An Object Relations Model of Psychoanalytic Therapy.

von Summers, Frank L.:

Summers, Frank L.:
Verlag / Jahr
London : Routledge, 1999.
Format / Einband
Softcover. 280 p.
ca. 482 g
In very good condition. - Preface -- This book is written for practicing clinicians who are looking for useful ideas in treating their patients. Although this volume presents yet another theoretical model to join the plethora of existing psychoanalytic viewpoints, its purpose is clinical. I am concerned that too many of the current debates in psychoanalysis target theoretical concepts with too litde focus on how personality change occurs. I hope to have constructed a theoretical model with clinical application for many of the patients psychotherapists counsel on a daily basis. Although this volume engages some of the most hotly debated theoretical issues in contemporary psychoanalytic thought, the purpose of this discussion is to contribute to understanding the change process. I offer here a theoretical model that I hope will illuminate how psychoanalytic therapists can help patients move beyond their existing limitations—a theory, that is, of self-transcendence. -- Despite the variety of current viewpoints, I have not found a current model that fits just the right combination of classical, contemporary, interpretive depth, and relationship focus that I believe is most useful for patients. I agree with many contemporary critics of classical and ego psychology that these traditional analytic paradigms are too narrow and reductionis tic to have optimal clinical value, but I am also concerned that some of the proposed alternatives have moved too far from the depth psychology that has always been the strength of psychoanalytic therapy. -- It is my conviction that an object relations model, broadly conceived and carefully elaborated, embraces the strengths of both extremes and provides the most useful guide for psychoanalytic therapists. In my reading of the analytic literature, I have found important elements of such a broad model in the work of a variety of theorists, such as Winnicott, Kohut, Fairbairn, Guntrip, Bellas, and Benjamin. The proposed model incorporates components of the work of each of these theorists but is not to be found in any of them; the findings of much developmental research from a variety of viewpoints corroborate these theoretical ideas. I believe I have constructed a theory that carries out the implicit theoretical and clinical ideas embedded in much current psychoanalytic theory and is substantiated by the experimental evidence on infancy and childhood. -- In 1994,1 published a text, Object Relations Theories and Psychopathology, that showed the unique clinical contribution of each of the major object relations theories. In the final chapter of that book, I brought together my own integration that utilized elements of each theory to outline a broad object relations model. In this book, I have elaborated the theoretical and clinical ideas implied in that outline to develop in greater detail a model that, I believe, can be put into practice by psychoanalytic therapists. -- In the introductory chapter, I use a clinical case to situate my model between two broad psychoanalytic paradigms, ego psychology and relational psychoanalysis. The next two chapters present the empirical and theoretical basis of the model. Chapter 4 begins the discussion of clinical implications by presenting a concept of therapeutic action derived from the theoretical model. The following three chapters show how the model applies to different categories of patients, traditionally conceptualized as borderline, narcissistic, and neurotic; and a brief concluding chapter moves the discussion once again to a more abstract level by reflection on the craft of conducting psychoanalytic therapy. ISBN 9780881634235
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Transcending The Self: An Object Relations Model of Psychoanalytic Therapy.

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