Like Wind, like Wave. Fables from the Land of the Repressed. Transl. by Malcolm Garfield.

von Bolognini, Stefano:

Bolognini, Stefano:
Verlag / Jahr
Other Press; NY, 1999.
Format / Einband
XVII; 116 S.; 20 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; kl. Bleistift-Anstr. - An Italian psychoanalyst and raconteur reflects on the common experiences that make us human. ... In these ten essays, Stefano Bolognini tells colorful stories from his life, from encounters with a giant Caucasian sheepdog and a martial arts master to a wandering journey through a remote Italian village, and draws out the meaning of these experiences for himself and his readers. Showcasing Bolognini's gift for storytelling and his remarkable insight. Like Wind, Like Wave marks a welcome return to psycho-analytic writing as a subjective art. ... (Verlagstext) / INHALT : FOREWORD BY OWEN RENIK --- A QUICK PREFACE --- THE GIANT CAUCASIAN SHEEPDOG --- LIKE WIND, LIKE WAVE --- THE TEACHER-SCIENTIST --- THE COLLECTOR --- WHERE WE LIVE --- I WILL SAVE YOU --- A POWERFUL VOCATION --- THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND IN ITALY --- TREATING THE PANGS OF LOVE --- TREES. ISBN 9781590511794
Unser Preis
EUR 18,00
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Like Wind, like Wave. Fables from the Land of the Repressed.

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